Class expectations

This was the purple contract signed by a parent/guardian and my students at the beginning of the school year.

The rules for my class are very simple and designed for one purpose during this school year—


  • Cell phones are not to be used in this English class unless instructed by the teacher. It is counterproductive and disrespectful to use a cell phone for any other reason. This will drastically change the working dynamics in the classroom. “Using” also means checking the time, text messages, TikTok, and other social media platforms. This is your first and last warning about cell phones.

  • This classroom is a safe space for all, including the adults in the classroom.

  • **No food or drinks other than water will be permitted in the physical class unless directed by the teacher.

  • ***Due to allergies and health concerns, all body sprays, perfume, cologne, and scented lotions are not permitted in the physical classroom. You can be ejected from the classroom for failure to adhere to this mandatory policy and expected to report to the administrative office.

Attendance, Cuts / Tardies

  • Class begins and ends with the bell.

  • If you miss our class period, you are marked absent regardless if you are on a field trip.

  • If you will be attending a field trip, family vacation, or have an emergency that requires you to leave the country, please inform me as soon as possible and not after the fact.

  • Consistent late passes from the same teacher will not be accepted.

  • If you need to meet with a school counselor, do it during the Activity Period, lunch, or between 2:35-2:50 PM.

  • If you walk into class late as a test or quiz is being given, you are responsible to sit and wait patiently for further instructions from me. You also have forfeited a section of the assessment for being late.

  • If you are absent on the day of a digital test or quiz, you will not have access to the assessment. All students who missed the assessment are expected to take the assessment the next day.

  • If you cut my class, you will receive a grade of zero on all work of that day followed by a call home or an email to your parent.

Requirements / Grading policy (Supplies should be in your possession at all times)

  • A charged Chrome book, 1” binder with 3 section dividers, loose-leaf paper, a folder, and a blue or black pen.

  • You are only permitted to use a blue or black pen for all non-electronic assignments.

  • Check the calendar posted on Google Classroom for assignments and class activities.

  • The full heading will be written or typed in the upper left-hand corner on every paper or essay submitted for a grade.

  • You will be graded on tests, quizzes, homework, class work, essays, class participation, work assigned on Google classroom, group work, and class preparation.

  • Classwork—you either have it in class or submitted/turned it in through Google Classroom or you do not. The grade will remain a zero until it is submitted for a late grade.

  • You must adhere to the due dates and times listed on Google Classroom or stated in class.

  • If a particular circumstance arises in your family preventing you from finishing your assignment, you must contact or see me before class begins and classwork is checked in.

  • You must sign up for our class period’s Remind text app. It can work from your cell phone or computer. This is a two way communication system between the student and the teacher.

  • **If you complete an assignment on Google Classroom after the due date and after, I (Mrs. Pallante), have returned all assignments via electronically, it is considered late.

  • **You MUST send me a Remind text that you have submitted the assignment late because I do not look back at previous and graded assignments otherwise.

  • You will not receive the same grade if submitted on time.

  • Taking a mental health day does not excuse you from work but it justifies your whereabouts.

  • You must always be actively reading an independent novel in the classroom throughout the year.

  • If you are struggling with the material, make an appointment and see me during the Activity period.

  • Additional tutoring is available in the Media Center Tuesday through Thursday

  • You are expected to complete all work assigned to you in order to pass this year’s English class.

  • If you choose not to work to your full potential, you have a strong chance of failing the course. I do not grade on personality traits.

  • Hard work and effort are rewarded in this class.

  • If you apply a positive approach with the willingness to learn and adapt to your educational opportunities, you will thrive regardless of the chaos around you.

This heading is put on all essays, worksheets, or documents submitted to the teacher. This heading is written in MLA format which is required on all writing assignments in high school and college unless otherwise noted.

Your name

Mrs. Pallante


day month year