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Counting to 120: Please have students watch this video to practice.

Sight word songs:

Raz-Kids reading:




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Sight Words/Popcorn Words:

This year we will learn many new things including sight words. Sight words build speed and fluency when reading. Accuracy, speed, and fluency in reading increase reading comprehension. The sight words are a collection of words that a child should learn to recognize without sounding out the letters. The sight words are both common, frequently used words and foundational words that a child can use to build a vocabulary. Combining sight words with phonics instruction increases a child’s speed and fluency in reading.

Here are some fun games to help you practice your sight words.

Password: Make a sight word password for each room in your house. Tape the sign on the door. Your child must read the word to enter the room.

Word Race: Use a sand timer or stopwatch (on your phone). Have your child read the sight word list and time themselves. Do it again and try to beat the previous time.

Clap, Spell, Chant: Clap the word, spell it letter by letter as you clap, then chant the word again!

Sweet and Salty Words: Pour salt or sugar in a plastic shoe tub (or any other type of box). Have the students use a finger to write sight words in the salt or sugar then read the word.

Magnetic Words: Use magnetic letters to spell words. Leave out a letter and have your child guess the missing letter.

Flashlight Words: Tape word cards on the ceiling or wall. Turn out the lights and have your child shine a flashlight on the word and read it.

Hopscotch: Make a hopscotch board with sidewalk chalk and write sight words in the boxes. Have your child hop and read the words.

Have fun!

The Kindergarten Team

For a full list of the words we have done this year, please click on the following link: