Blessed Sacrament Library

 ...where Bulldogs love to listen, create, learn, share, and of course, READ!

Back By Popular Demand!

Although our library is open and available to our students, many of you have asked me to keep the library website going.  I am so happy you've found it helpful , resourceful, and hopefully fun, too!  I will do my best to keep it up-to-date.  

Some of our students and teachers have been asking for the website to be more active, like it was before.  So, back by popular demand, here is our library website.  I will do my best to keep information and activities posted here for you, and to keep up with the Calendar page each month, so you will always find something to do and celebrate!  

Access to JLG ebooks and audiobooks that change periodically.  

Remember, you can filter by grade level.

Bulldogs, the username is the same as for Bookflix and Trueflix.  

The password is available on your ItsLearning Library Page or you can email me.

Other Helpful Links & Resources...

Accelerated Reader Bookfinder is where you can find out if any book has an AR level or not, and what it is.  For common titles, or titles with punctuation, be sure to search for it in more than one way, or use the ISBN of the book, which is more precise.