*Please note the eligibility process is currently in progress.

Gifted and Talented (GATE) Program

Gifted and Talented (GATE) instruction is intended to enrich your child’s education beyond the scope of the regular curriculum by participation in a wide variety of academic endeavors and hands-on learning experiences. GATE students will meet with the GATE teacher approximately once a week in a six day cycle. Students will be responsible for work assigned during the regular education class. Students will be evaluated throughout the year and at the conclusion of each year to determine if continuation is warranted. Eligibility will be reviewed on a yearly basis.

As students individual potential extends beyond the domain of content knowledge, the BES Gifted and Talented Program strives to promote the development of these student abilities:

  • Critical thinkingLogical and evidence-based reasoning, with attention to depth and accuracy

  • Communication skillsVerbal and written, to varied purposes and audiences

  • MetacognitionAwareness of goal-setting, task processes, and reflection on outcomes

  • Constructive, critical evaluationAssessment of depth and validity of work by self and peers

  • Self-regulationResponsibility and task commitment

  • Self-efficacy and empowermentActivation and application of skills to real-life contexts

The BES Gifted and Talented Program will provide content-based challenges to support, supplement, and extend classroom instruction.