Remote Learning

Remote Learning?

Remote Learning using Zoom allows students complete Blair course content with their regular Blair instructor. Expectations for learning are the same for Remote learners and for in-person learners. During scheduled class times, students are required to sign on to each teacher's Zoom class using a school issued Chromebook. However, it is important to note students may not be on Zoom the entire class time based on teacher instruction. Students will have the opportunity to work independently outside of scheduled class sessions. While we work to make Remote Learning a high quality experience, there are some classes, courses and services that are more challenging to offer through Remote Learning. Student engagement during Remote Learning is the responsibility of the student and parent.

How do you pick up your ChromeBook Computer?

New K-12 and all K-2 students who chose Remote or Virtual Learning and need a computer can pick up a Chromebook computer at Deerfield Elementary on Monday, August 17 and Tuesday, August 18 from 8-4 p.m. at the southwest District Administration Entrance. Virtual Learners will be receiving a personal email detailing all of the information necessary for course registration on Tuesday August 18.

Directions for Getting Started

On Tuesday, August 18, students and parents will receive their Login, Student Password, and Parent Password. Contact your school Principal about questions about your schedule.

Remote Learning Tutorial

Behavior Expectations & Etiquette

Neither the remote learner (student), nor the parent/guardian will record lessons, take screenshots of lessons, or post information from the class on social media concerning students in the classroom or the teacher.

Students participating in remote learning will still need to follow behavior expectations listed in the handbook as if they were attending school physically. School dress code expectations should be followed by remote learners.

Students should have a physical space that is conducive for learning. (i.e. not a bed) and be free from distractions. Students should be on camera throughout live zoom. Teachers will need to see the student engaging in the learning. Students will follow all teacher expectations for zoom (muting, name, hand raising, etc.) Materials should be readily available to the student and the student should be learning-ready.

Replicate the in person learning environment as much as possible. Example: if you can’t eat in class, don’t eat on zoom, if you can’t move around in class then don’t walk around with the computer on zoom.

Learning Expectations

Expectations for learning are the same for remote learners and for in person learners. Grading expectations are the same for remote learners and for in person learners. Remote students should be doing their school work during the day rather than in the evening when there won’t be teacher support available. Their school day expectations should be very similar to in person.

It is important to note your student may not be on Zoom the entire class time based on teacher instruction. Your child may be required to complete work independently outside of scheduled class sessions. Not all class activities will be the same for remote learners. Some assessments and labs may need to be completed in person and will be arranged between teacher and student.

While we work to make remote learning a high quality experience, there are some classes, courses and services that are more challenging to offer through remote learning. Student engagement during remote learning is the responsibility of the student and parent.


Under remote learning certain state and/or national assessments will require the student to come to school for administration of the assessment or a parent will need to opt out of the assessment. Some classes might expect assessments to be completed in person to be arranged by teacher and student.

Why You might Consider Choosing Remote Learning instead of Virtual...

Virtual school students are not eligible for Extra-Curricular Activities. Remote Learners are eligible. Remote Learning is taught by a BCS instructor and Virtual is not. Please contact Dr. Gilson - to request a change to Remote Learning.

Food Services

Remote and Virtual students may request meals, these meals will be pre-ordered and will be recorded on student meal accounts when distributed; therefore, charges will apply if meals are taken. Remote and Virtual students that qualify for Free and Reduced Meal benefits will be available in five (5) day meal packages that include five (5) breakfasts and five (5) lunches.

Weekly lunch menus will be added to the below link each Saturday live on Monday, August 17. Please select

Food Pick up is every Monday through Friday from 11:00 am through 11:30 am. You can pick up the daily meals you order at Blair High School West Loop.

Technology Issues

Technical issues are possible during remote learning which may prevent a student from successfully participating in important class sessions.

Students should log on to zoom early to ensure that there are not technical issues

Technical issues are not the responsibility of the teacher.

Students experiencing issues contact the person listed below:

North: Secretary 402-426-3835 then Wanda Dolphin 402-427-2989

South: Secretary 402-426-2229 then Wanda Dolphin 402-427-2989

Deerfield: Secretary 402-426-5123

Arbor Park: Wanda Dolphin at 402-427-2989

Otte: Media Kris Pfeil 402-427-2837

High School: Media then Wanda Dolphin 402-427-2989

Wanda Dolphin at 402-427-2989

Technology Requirements

During scheduled class times, your child will be required to sign on to each teacher’s Zoom class using their BCS issued Chromebook. Joining a class via Zoom requires an internet connection with a minimum dedicated bandwidth of 1.5Mbps up/1.5Mbps down per learner. Internet plans vary in the amount of bandwidth and you are encouraged to check with your provider to ensure your plan is sufficient to support the number of concurrent Zoom sessions you intend. If you don't have internet connectivity you may contact your school office to inquire about the availability of a cellular hotspot configured to provide access only to BCS Chromebooks.


Parents and students will communicate with the student's teacher, as normal. The teacher will set expectations and guidelines for classroom communication.

    1. Send your child’s teacher an email to their school email address.

    2. Teachers, principals, and other licensed professionals will be available by email from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    3. Staff will respond to all communication requests in a timely manner during scheduled hours.

    4. Staff contact information can be found at, under staff directory at the top of the page. Or by the link below.

When can changes be made?

Parents can change from remote learning to in person learning at the 9 week quarter break. There will be communication from the district ahead of the 9 week quarter to notify parents and request any change.

Kindergarten through 12th Grade Remote and Virtual Learning

Students in grades K-12 can take home a school issued Google Chromebook. All Remote lessons will be in Google Classroom. A Remote Learning folder with the Remote Learning date will be located inside each class under the Classwork tab. The Remote Learning folder will be visible at the top of the screen with the date assigned.

Students can access their work by opening Today’s lesson for a description of the lesson, objective, materials, video/or text lesson developed by their teacher. There will also be a description of practice work, and assignment. Students will be able to access all of these materials inside the eLearning folder including assignments, online readings, quizzes, tests, etc. In some cases, the student may be directed to complete offline activities such as textbook readings or other assignments.

Preschool through 8th Grade Specials Courses Guidelines

Students in grades Early Childhood through 8th Grade will utilize Choice Boards. These Choice Boards will be distributed to families either via paper, email, or Google Classroom and can also be viewed and downloaded using the links below or by visiting the school's website.

Students in Early Childhood through 8th Grade will choose one (1) activity in each of the subject areas listed. Upon completion, the parent and child will sign the Choice Board and return it to school.

If you have questions about the Remote activity, please contact your classroom teacher.

Synchronous Learning using ZOOM

Students have the opportunity to interact with one another and their teacher through a cloud based solution called Zoom. Teachers will provide each student with a ZOOM link or meeting phone number and code in advance through email and with a posted link in their Google Classroom. Select here to learn how to Join a Meeting in Zoom.

All video synchronous learning opportunities will begin and end on time. Video synchronous learning will be recorded and posted and communicated to students who are unable to participate. The teacher will be the last person to leave a learning session. Core courses in grades K-12 will meet live during each course. Synchronous learning will be scheduled during the time of day that a teacher would normally be face-to-face with students. Live Learning will occur for the first 15 minutes of every class.

When Remote Learning?

Internet Access

We are aware that not all students have Internet access at home. Because power and Internet outages are possible during school cancellations, all students are encouraged to download all materials prior to the anticipated eLearning Day. Although Internet access will not be required to complete eLearning Day lessons, for those students wishing to use Internet resources, the district has provided a WiFi Hotspot map/list.

What do I do if I don't have Internet Access?

Call 402-426-2610 to inquire about receiving a school issued internet hot spot. Select here to learn how to download course materials from Google Classroom and complete work without needing the internet.

Community Wifi Hotspots

Parents can access Wifi Hotspots in the following locations:

Blair: the parking lot at Deerfield Primary School, North Primary School, South Primary School, Arbor Park Intermediate School, Otte Blair Middle School, Blair High School, and at the Blair Public Library.

Following is a sampling of Wi-Fi that is available free to the public in the Omaha Greater Metro area.

Omaha: Douglas County Courthouse: 1701 Farnam St., Omaha-Douglas Civic Center: 1819 Farnam St., Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce courtyard: 13th and Howard Streets., Omaha Visitors Center: 1001 Farnam St. Joslyn Art Museum: 2200 Dodge St. The museum’s free admission includes free Wi-Fi. Omaha Public Library: W. Dale Clark Library, 215 S. 15th St., and all 11 branch libraries listed at University of Nebraska at Omaha: 6001 Dodge St.

Bennington: Public library, 15505 Warehouse St.;

Ralston: Baright Public Library, 5555 S. 77th St.; Aksarben Village: 67th and Center Streets; Midtown Crossing at Turner Park: South 31st Avenue and Dodge Street. Nebraska Crossing Outlets: 21209 Nebraska Crossing Drive, Gretna; Oak View Mall: 3001 S. 144th St.; free registration required in Oak View Mall Club.; Village Pointe: 17305 Davenport St.; Westroads Mall: 10000 California St.; renovations under way at the mall include installation of Wi-Fi and charging stations for electronic devices.

Accommodations and Modifications

Classroom accommodations for online or virtual instruction for the general curriculum will incorporate classroom accommodations and modifications as necessary to comply with student IEPs. As such, district plans for using eLearning will include accommodations and modifications for students with disabilities as part of the instructional delivery. Some common accommodations are oral administration (text to speech), reduced amount of practice items, and reducing the amount of information on a page. If it is determined students are not on track to meet IEP goals, extended learning opportunities will be offered.

Special Education - Teletherapy for Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy

Teletherapy services for Speech, Physical Therapy, and Occupational therapy will be offered using synchronous learning with ZOOM and asynchronous learning inside Google Classrooms. BCS staff will contact students and parents and provide each student with a ZOOM link or meeting phone number and code in advance through email and with a posted link in their Google Classroom. Select here to learn how to Join a synchronous meeting in Zoom.

Supplementary Aids and Services

If the student receives supplementary aids and services that enable the student to advance appropriately toward attaining annual goals or to be involved in, and make progress in the general education curriculum those services will be included in the eLearning plan.

Assistive Technology

If a student utilizes assistive technology in order to access the general education curriculum or specialized instruction, AT is available to the student as needed for the Remote of Virtual Learning assignment.