Distance Learning

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Parents of any K-12 BCS student may voluntarily elect for their child to participate in in-person learning during the 2020-21 school year.

Parents can change from in person learning to remote learning 1 time during the first semester.

Attendance Plan: In Person Attendance. Students will be required to wear masks during the majority of the school day. Opportunities to social distance and be outside to safely remove the mask will be a priority.

Parents of any K-12 BCS student may voluntarily elect for their child to participate in remote learning (via zoom) during the 2020-2021 school year.

Parents can change from remote learning to in person learning at the quarter break.

Attending school remotely means:

During scheduled class times, your child will be required to sign on to each teacher’s Zoom class using their BCS issued Chromebook.

Attendance Plan: Attendance will be taken by the teacher as if the student were physically present. All attendance policy requirements are in place for remote learning students.

Students participating in remote learning will still need to follow behavior expectations listed in the handbook as if they were attending school physically.

Parents of any K-12 BCS student may voluntarily elect for their child to participate in Virtual School during the 2020-21 school year.

Parents can change from virtual to remote or in person learning at the quarter break (semester for high school).

Attending virtual school means: Virtual school is provided through the program Acellus Students will be required to follow the program of study for their grade or credit needs Virtual school is delivered 100% on line and not by a BCS teacher Virtual school is not aligned to BCS curriculum

Virtual school does allow for credit completed toward graduation at the high school level. During scheduled class times, your child will be required to sign on to each teacher’s Zoom class using their BCS issued Chromebook.

How do you pick up your ChromeBook Computer?

New K-12 and all K-2 students who chose Remote or Virtual Learning and need a computer can pick up a Chromebook computer at Deerfield Elementary on Monday, August 17 and Tuesday, August 18 from 8-4 p.m. at the southwest District Administration Entrance. Virtual Learners will be receiving a personal email detailing all of the information necessary for course registration on Tuesday August 18.

Directions for Getting Started Remote Learning

On Tuesday, August 18, students and parents will receive their Login, Student Password, and Parent Password. Contact your school Principal about questions about your schedule.

Remote Learning Tutorial

Directions for Getting Started

On Monday, August 24, students and parents will receive their Login, Student Password, and Parent Password. Contact Leon.haith@blairschools.org or your school Principal about questions about your schedule.

Virtual Acellus Learning Tutorials

Food Services

Remote and Virtual students may request meals, these meals will be pre-ordered and will be recorded on student meal accounts when distributed; therefore, charges will apply if meals are taken. Remote and Virtual students that qualify for Free and Reduced Meal benefits will be available in five (5) day meal packages that include five (5) breakfasts and five (5) lunches.

Weekly lunch menus will be added to the below link each Saturday live on Monday, August 17. Please select

Food Pick up is every Monday through Friday from 11:00 am through 11:30 am. You can pick up the daily meals you order at Blair High School West Loop.

Why You might Consider Choosing Remote Learning instead of Virtual...

Virtual school students are not eligible for Extra-Curricular Activities. Remote Learners are eligible. Remote Learning is taught by a BCS instructor and Virtual is not. Please contact Dr. Gilson - randy.gilson@blairschools.org to request a change to Remote Learning.