Mental health and wellbeing

Self help area

Please use this form to the left to refer yourself to the college counselling team.

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This website has been developed by the college counselling team and houses a wealth of resources that you can use.

The exercises and worksheets are based around Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT is based on the idea that how we think, how we feel and how we act all interact together. Specifically, our thoughts determine our feelings and our behaviour. Cognitive therapy helps people to develop alternative ways of thinking and behaving which aims to reduce distress.

Worksheets are separated into easy to identify categories to help you navigate the site. If you would like support completing the worksheets or have any questions please make contact with your key support worker or pastoral mentor.

What is wellbeing?

This video explores what is meant by the term wellbeing.

The college 'Thrive' wellbeing platform can be found by clicking the link below