
Electricians fit, service and repair electrical machinery, equipment, circuits and wiring.

What would you be doing?

How to become an Electrician

For more information on the different training routes click here :https://www.electricalcareers.co.uk/joining-the-industry/training-routes/

You can get into this job through:

Relevant college courses include:


Apprenticeships is the preferred route into this industry. 

For more information:


To find a provider that offers electrican courses for your apprenticeship click here: https://findapprenticeshiptraining.apprenticeships.education.gov.uk/courses/5/providers

Working in the industry:

If you've worked in the industry for 5 years or more and do not have a Level 3 qualification, you may be able to get your experience recognised through the Experienced Worker Assessment.

Direct Application:

You may be able to move into electrical installation work if you've got experience and relevant qualifications from a related industry, for example building services or electrical engineering.

Employers/ Opportunities/ providers

Click the logos below for ideas on potential employers/ opportunities/ providers 

Career Videos 

For various relevant career videos click here: https://www.electricalcareers.co.uk/videos/