Data Scientist

Data scientists use software, artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyse and interpret large amounts of data. On a day to day basis a data scientist may use data to identify, manage and solve business problems, gather and manage data from different sources to create models and test hypotheses, manipulate, analyse and visualise data using statistical software, produce recommendations and explain them to different audiences, build complex mathematical and analytical models using algorithms and machine learning techniques and much more. 


The main routes to get into this role are:


You will usually need 2-3 a levels to gain a degree for this role. With a relevant degree or postgraduate qualification, you can apply for graduate training schemes in AI and data science. Particularly relevant subjects include:

Subjects that teach high-level statistics, like physics, engineering or psychology may also be useful. Graduates of other subjects may still be able to enter AI and data science, for example, by doing a master's conversion course. People from backgrounds that are under-represented in the profession, may be able to get financial support through a scholarship to do this. Work experience through internships and year in industry placements will give you an advantage when looking for jobs.

Try to get experience of relevant coding, analysis and data manipulation software packages like:


You may be able to get into this job through a degree apprenticeship.

Relevant apprenticeships include:

This is dependent on the company and area, you will also usually need to go through an interview process when applying for a degree apprenticeship in data science

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work experience & volunteering