Science, medical & pharmaceuticals

Higher Education 

Click above for general opportunities at universities ^

Our UK Summer Schools 2024 programmes have now officially opened for applications. 

We have teamed up with 13 excellent universities to host our annual summer schools programmes this year, offering young people from across the country the opportunity to experience life at university before they decide on their next steps. 

Opportunities in 2024

Residential Insight into University courses are Industrial Cadets accredited summer schools which can help you decide which degree course might be right for you and also enhance your UCAS application. Courses run over 4 or 5 days where Yr12/S5-6 students get a taster of university life and an insight into a specific STEM subject. Please see below the list of courses available for 2024, with some dates still to be confirmed:  


·        Materials Science at the University of Oxford, 17th June – 21st June 2024 - 4 nights residential

·        Materials Science at the University of Cambridge, 30th June – 4th July - 4 nights residential

·        Broad based Engineering at the University of Sheffield - 4 nights residential

·        Aerospace Engineering at the University of Liverpool - 4 nights residential

·        Maths at Lancaster University, 29th July – 1st August 2024 - 3 nights residential

·        Mechanical Engineering at UCL - 3 nights residential

·        Ocean & Earth Science at the University of Southampton, 21st July – 25th July 2024 - 4 nights residential

·        Additional courses coming soon! 


It’s just like studying at university! You will get the opportunity to experience university style lectures and work on activities and group projects with the support of academics and student mentors. Throughout the duration of the course, you will stay in halls of residence and will take part in social activities in the evenings. 


For dates, cost, requirements, content of each course and the application form, please click here


You can select up to three different courses you’d like to apply for. Please submit only one application and note we can only allocate one course place per student. You will need your personal and school details and you will be required to write a short personal statement to tell us why you would like to do the courses you are applying for, which subjects you are currently studying and your predicted grades (please check the course is suitable for you before applying).


Applications are open for a limited time and will close on the 31st of January 2024.  


Please make sure you check out our FAQs page if you have any questions or contact our student support team on 


To hear what students had to say about their residential summer course last summer, please clickhere.  


We look forward to receiving your application! 


Student Recruitment and Support Team  

EDT (Engineering Development Trust) 


Tel: 01707 906106| Email: 

Opportunities in January 2024


Get Into Midwifery


Are any of your students considering becoming a midwife? In this session, they will find out more about career routes, and specialist vocational training in our BSc (Hons) Midwifery degree.

Get Into Nursing

Do you have students interested in Nursing? In this session, your students will explore the different pathways into becoming a competent, safe and knowledgeable practitioner. 

Get Into Social Work


Have any of your students considered becoming a qualified Social Worker? In this session, your students will gain an insight into this career, and our BSc (Hons) Social Work degree. 

Get Into Diagnostic Radiography

Are your students interested in becoming fully trained radiographers? In this session, your students will explore the career steps, and our BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography degree. 

Get Into Health and Social Care

Are your students interest in supporting and helping others? In this session, your students will explore the pathways in healthcare, and our BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care degree. 

Get Into Occupational Therapy


Do your students want to help others achieve their goals and improve their lives? In this session, your students will find out more about our BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy course. 

Get Into Physiotherapy


Would your students like to provide effective physical, psychological and social care? In this session, your students can find out more about our BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy degree. 

Get Into Sport Rehabilitation

Are your students fascinated in preventing, examining and treating sports-related injuries? In this session, your students will explore our BSc (Hons) Sport Rehabilitation degree. 

Get Into Sport Coaching

Are your students looking for a future career path in coaching? In this session, your students will explore pathways across the sport, education, leisure and community sectors. 

Get Into Psychology

Are your students fascinated by the human mind and debating psychological ideas? In this session, they can find out more about our BSc (Hons) Psychology degree. 

Email to book and enquire.

Opportunities in november

Dundee University webinars click here to apply


Following the popularity of our ‘how to apply to university’ webinar series in October, we are thrilled to invite students, parents, teachers, and advisors to attend our November webinar series, joining academics from five of the University of Dundee’s academic schools to learn more about our esteemed programmes and what sets the University of Dundee apart!

With a duration of approximately 45 minutes to one hour, these interactive sessions encourage attendees to explore the subject areas within our academic schools, ask questions, and interact with our knowledgeable academics and student recruitment team. The dates and academic schools included in our webinars are:


Access to Higher Education Healthcare Taster Day

Friday 10th November, 10:00 - 14:30

The Access to Higher Education Healthcare Taster Day is designed for students on an Access to HE Diploma intending to apply for September 2024 entry, and will introduce the students to the wide variety of Healthcare professions that they can study at Leeds.  

Students will have the opportunity to visit our campus, take part in a series of academic taster sessions in Nursing and Midwifery, and find out more about the admissions process for our Healthcare courses. 

Applications are now open. The event is free of charge but places are limited. 

Event registration closes on Thursday 2nd November. 

Please click below for more information about the event. 

Opportunities in October

Access to Leeds

Access to Leeds is our contextual admissions programme for UK undergraduate degrees. It offers additional consideration for applicants based on their personal circumstances. 

Applications for 2024 entry are now open. Please note that there is an earlier deadline this year for Medicine (A100) and Dental Surgery (A200), as students must submit their Access to Leeds application for these courses by 1 November 2023. 

For all other courses, the Access to Leeds deadline is 14 February 2024.

Health and Social Care Taster Days (Year 12)

Our Health and Social Care Taster Days offer students the opportunity to explore the various healthcare courses on offer at the University of Leeds.

Our taster days offer an enriching experience for your students which includes: Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work Taster sessions, Communication Skills and Admissions workshop, a Campus Tour and a Student Life talk. 

There is no cost for these events, given they are delivered free of charge as part of our commitment to widening access to higher education.

If this opportunity aligns with your school's schedule and interests, please let us know your preferred dates and any specific requirements you may have. 

We are able to offer this opportunity between now and the end of November for Year 13 / second year students, and from January onwards for Year 12 / first year students

You can find out more about our Health and Social Care Taster Days below. Please note that a minimum booking of 30 students is required.

Medicine Futures & Dental Futures (Year 12) University of Leeds

Applications are now open!

We are excited to announce the launch of our Futures programmes in both Medicine and Dentistry for 2024. Futures are 12-month programmes for Year 12 students interested in pursuing a career within Medicine or Dentistry. 

Students are now able to apply for one of our Futures programmes in Medicine or Dentistry. We will also be launching Futures Programmes in Healthcare in November - so watch this space!

Medicine Futures and Dental Futures run from January - December 2024, and each programme will help students to develop their skills and subject knowledge, giving them the opportunity to take part in online talks, workshops and other enrichment activities alongside their current studies. There will also be the opportunity to attend two days on campus at the University of Leeds.

Full information regarding eligibility criteria, details of the programmes, and the link to the application form can be accessed by clicking below. 

These are great opportunities to signpost to your aspiring Medics and Dentists!

We are pleased to inform you that registration for the national free UCAS conferences for students interested in becoming doctors has opened. Students will be awarded a certificate of attendance which can be listed on their Medical School UCAS applications for ‘activities that support higher education’. The events have marked a valuable turning point for students and are open to students from any school and background in 10-12 year groups.

Conference Registration Form:

The Get into Medicine UCAS Conference is a comprehensive guide to the medical application process. The doctors and medical students will cover:

- Application Timelines

- How to Tactically Choose Medical Schools

- CV Building

- Personal Statements

- Medical School Interviews

-UCAT - Entrance Exams to Medical School

- Medical Leadership and Awards Programmes

- Accessing Work Experience

- Accessing Scholarships

We strongly encourage all students to make the most out of this free opportunity that has helped thousands of students secure medical school places since it launched:

Here’s how the day will run:

9:30-10.00 Registration

10.00-11:00 Quick introduction to Medic Mentor, overview of the day, competition ratios, application timeline, Awards and Scholarships

11:00-11:15 Break

11.15-11.45 Introduction to the UCAS application form and entry requirements

11.45-12.15 Interactive CV building exercise and exclusive access to leadership, research, presentation, publication, prizes and scholarship opportunities

12.15-12.30 Top tips form a successful applicant (medical student)

12:30-12:45 Break

12.45-13.30 How to write the perfect personal statement

13.30-13.45 Break

13.45-14.10 Entrance exams - how to do ace the UCAT

14.10-14.30 How to prepare for Medical School interviews

14.30-15.00 Top tips form a successful applicant (medical student) and next steps

One booking = one booking for a student + their parent/guardian.

Getting into medicine may seem impossible to many students, but we’re here to break down the entire process into actionable steps.


October 2023

Lancaster University drop in stand!

Lancaster University will be in the foyer on Friday 13th October 2023 between 11:30am and 1:30pm answering any questions you may have about university.