english & modern foreign languages

Higher Education 

Click above for general opportunities at universities ^

february 2024

Our UK Summer Schools 2024 programmes have now officially opened for applications. 

We have teamed up with 13 excellent universities to host our annual summer schools programmes this year, offering young people from across the country the opportunity to experience life at university before they decide on their next steps. 

October 2023 

Lancaster University drop in stand!

Lancaster University will be in the foyer on Friday13th October 2023 between 11:30am and 1:30pm answering any questions you may have about university. 

Leeds Language Week

13-17 November 2023

The University of Leeds are teaming up with Leeds 2023 to offer a package of sessions that will enhance language learning across the city during Leeds Language Week.


Language Taster sessions 

We are offering fantastic language workshops delivered by our Students and Academics in local schools! These workshops will be aimed at Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 and could introduce school students to new topics or languages, help them build on their current subjects and support them in developing skills and insight into the university experience.  

Mother Tongue Other Tongue 

New to Leeds, a multilingual poetry competition, Mother Tongue Other Tongue, submit your poetry for a chance to be part of a digital anthology produced by LEEDS 2023. Entries will be judged by Language Academics from the University of Leeds!

Language Teacher Online CPD Sessions 

As part of Leeds Language week the University are offering FREE online Language Teacher CPD Sessions delivered by our expert academic staff at the University. Each session has a different focus and learning outcomes for its attendees. 

Entries are welcome from schools, libraries and other groups from across Leeds.