Congratulations to our winners!

Alex Lewers

David Stone
A Slow Road 

Melissa Hammond
Sinking Sorrows into Lukewarm Bathwater

Judge's Statement

From a simple idea to an exhibition of the best and most diverse range of subjects and skills, I have been so looking forward to this show. I see we have contributions from far and wide of all ages and experience. My challenge, of course, was to choose threed of the best. No simple task as I could confidently choose 10 works which have equally moved and impressed me. However, choose I must and I’ll resist the impulse to announce my picks and quickly leave town!

Also, due to the diverse range of photographic equipment we use to document our lives (phones and cameras), I concentrated on impact, mood, emotion, story and composition. I congratulate all three winners and remind everyone that all the finalist are winners here. You could easily have 10 qualified judges and they would all have different choices. In no particular order, here are my three winners.

A Slow Road by David Stone

This image knocked me over, heavy with atmosphere. The viewer is thrust into the dead of night with the town asleep, it is both haunting and unsettling yet strangely comforting. The subdued colours add to its mood and mystery. Why is the photographer there at this hour? What is the story?

Elli by Alex Lewers

This is a wonderfully stark image full of impact, with tension, drama and humour. A winning composition with all the nostalgia of youthful excitement and daring.

 Sinking Sorrows into Lukewarm Bathwater by Melissa Hammond

This is a beautiful and lyrical portrait. It’s uncomplicated and emotionally relatable. It conveys the wistfulness and inertia of heartbreak tinged with despair.  A simple and honest composition giving us a window into someone’s private pain.

Julie Slavin

Congratulations to the finalists!

(Some images have been cropped in the carousel due to website limiatations. Apologies)

Alex Lewers

Andrew Lister

Ben Hosking

Byron McLoughlin

Celia Ruiz de Castilla

Danny Dunne

David Stone

Deborah Warner

Diane A Willey

Isabella Carr

Janice Amato

Joel Frankham

Judith Conning

Kathy Majewski

Kay Armstrong

Kellie Howard

Kim Hamilton

Lara Flanagan

Margaret Giola

Mark Anning

Mark Davis

Melissa Hammond

Michelle Letherbarrow

Nadene Shepherd

Nicole McLeod

Noah Hazlewood

Orlando Luminere

Rinatte Campbell

Rudiger Wasser

Sallie Colechin

Samuel Bishop-Taylor

Sandi Lear Stanley

Sara Cooley

Simon Lew

Steve White

Tony Kemp

Tracey Keogh

A few stats

Entrants | 65

Images entered | 153

Entrants who are finalists | 37

Images from the finalists | 53 

We'll email each finalist and let them know the good news and what's next for getting their artwork ready for exhibition.

About the Prize

We are a small group of volunteers at Hallidays Point NSW and we like to support the visual arts.  When we thought about organising a photographic competition and prize, we didn't want to limit the entrants or their photographic interests to just our little patch of the coast. We decided to open the Prize to anyone in NSW or the ACT who's 16 or older. We also decided that we wouldn't limit the places from where images were captured or impose a theme.

We want to celebrate aspiring photographers, wherever their eye may take them. We also want to make the Prize worthwhile: the Judge will award three $1,000.00 prizes.

And here we are. Welcome to the inaugural Focal Point 2024 Photography Prize.

About Black Head Bazaar Inc
organiser of the Prize

Black Head Bazaar Inc runs the popular Black Head Bazaar markets at Hallidays Point. We use the money we raise from the markets to undertake projects that improve the environment, and promote cultural activities, in Hallidays Point. The Focal Point 2024 Photography Prize is one of our projects. 

We recently completed the Art Wall at the rear of the Hallidays Point Library that showcases work from several Manning Valley artists. We also support local groups and have partnered over many years with Midcoast Council on projects to improve the environment and community spaces at Hallidays Point. 

During 2024, we will bring live music performances to the beautiful Chapel of Light at Tallwoods Village.

Contact us if you have any questions.