We've had an amazing first full week back to school. I am so proud of our students and their hard work this week. 

As a parent of two middle school students and an energetic six year old myself, I understand that there are challenging days. Keeping up with the busyness of life and helping your child with homework can be difficult. A powerful reminder of encouragement to me comes from Psalm 34:17-18. "When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." As a school, we are praying for your families and are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of discipling your children. 

Please let me know if you are facing any challenges with school that need my attention. We want to have a strong partnership through open communication.

Pay close attention to the details below. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me or my team to help answer any specific questions or concerns you may have regarding upcoming school items.

The Middle School Play

We are delighted to perform Charlotte's Web this year for our middle school play. Sign-ups for auditions for the play cast and interest for stage crew and make-up crew are in the offices. Auditions are February 5 and 6, from 3:30-5 p.m. Parents and students will be alerted via email if their student made the play cast after Thursday's auditions. A parent meeting will be held Friday, February 7, at 4:30 p.m. for cast members. 

(Stage and make-up crew members that are selected from the interest list will be notified at a later date with a practice schedule.)

Practices for the play will be every day after school (except Wednesdays) from 3:10-5 p.m. and then until 5:30 p.m. or later, as the play date is closer. 

The performance date is Friday, May 2.

The play this year is under the direction of a BJU student, Mr. Elias McGee, assisted by two BJA high school students, Addy Alexander and Eliza Edwards.

Spirit Week

Spirit Week is February 18-21 this year. We are excited to spend time in God's Word, bond with the high school, and play fun games. More details will come. 

We are planning to have a middle school talent show. If your child would like to participate, he should meet after school on Wednesday, January 29, in Acad Corner from 3:30-4:30 p.m. with Mrs. Walters. During a mini-audition that day, students will share who will be in their group (or solo) and what will be performed. 

The actual performance day is Friday, February 21. 

Lost and Found

We have accumulated many things here at the Middle School on our lost and found rack. Each week, the items are photographed and the pictures are dropped into a spreadsheet for parents to view and claim items. (Please do not delete pictures as you claim items or we will lose track of what is what.) After four weeks, items not claimed will be donated. The link can always be found under the Helpful Links tab. It is also here for convenience:

Lost and Found 

Two Week Calendar

Two Week MS Calendar

    Second Semester Key Dates