6th Grade

Semester Grading

Starting in sixth grade, the students get only two report cards a year. The grading periods are semesters long instead of quarters. This is typically very helpful to the students who struggle a little at the beginning of the year with getting adjusted to all things middle school. They have several more months and chapters to bring their grade to where they want it to be instead of a report card coming at the end of the nine-weeks. 

FACTS Information

FACTS has a phone app for Android and iOS that makes a quick check of grades very handy. It will enable you to see a quick list of your child’s grades, assignments, and some other basic information. The primary downside to the FACTS app that we have found is that you cannot see the comments that teachers are putting on your child's assignments. This would include notes like late assignments or where they did not do their reading ahead of time. At least once a week, it is helpful to check your child’s grades on a computer so you can get a more complete picture of the situation. If you see any assignments with an “M” instead of a grade, the teacher is missing this assignment from your child. Any late work gets a lower priority to grade than work that is turned in on time. FACTS averages this “M” in as a zero until the assignment is completed, graded, and entered. This will cause the grade to appear much lower than it actually is until it is entered. Hopefully that will help explain what you are seeing when you look at your child’s grades.

Binder Information

Binders in Middle School become more like an extension of the arm than a school supply. The students keep a multitude of papers and information safely tucked away in its inner recesses. Sometimes success or failure in a chapter or class can be affected by the student’s organization system (or lack thereof) of the binder. In an effort to keep the bookbags light, the teachers have tried to reduce the need to carry textbooks and workbooks and consolidate to the binder. 

Here is how each teacher handles this tool:  

It would be helpful for each student to have a folder or section in the binder where pages to be sent home are placed. 

If a teacher helps a student clean up things in school, they will have one place for you to look to find graded assignments to take out at home. If your child is struggling with his/her binder, have them start each evening’s homework session by putting all papers from the day in the rings (not a folder they must search through) of the subject section where it belongs. They will feel much more in control if they have a handle on where their stuff is when they look for it. 

Computer Class/FACTS

The students have been working in computer class to learn some of the skills they need to succeed in middle and high school. Because we use Google products, they are working on mastering Google Classroom, Docs, Slides, and more! They will also be learning how to check their grades in FACTS. Until that time, could you please check over the grades with your child? We want them to take personal responsibility for their grades and seeing how each week affects their grades goes a long way in that process. It will also help them stay on top of any missing work they may accumulate. Thank you for your help!

Mrs. Sarah Gillenwater- Science

6th grade Science.mp4

Mrs. Carmel Ontoy-English

6th grade English.mp4

Dr. Dennae White-History

6th Grade History

Mrs. Laura Uwarow-Math

6th grade Math ppt.mp4

Mrs. Tami Knisely-

Honors Math

7th (6th Honors) Fundamentals of Math.mp4


Mylee Brown, Sarah Gillenwater, Laura Uwarow, Dennae White

6th Bible.mp4