The judging process

One of the great things about the FOBISIA Monologue challenge is the chance to share amazing work from all over Asia. Everyone's performance is celebrated and shared with our wonderful school communities.

The judging of the monologues will be done by professionals and there will be written feedback for the winners of each category as well as for those entries that are highly commended.

We will announce the judges over the next few weeks, along with their expertise and experience.

The following strengths will be considered by the judges


Do we believe that you are this character, have you embodied the role that you are playing to create a true representation of it?


Is the interpretation valid, does it add or create meaning within the performance?

Connection with the audience

Do you create a connection with the audience that has an impact on them? Does it create an emotion? Make them laugh? Make them reflect?

Vocal delivery

Are you clear in your delivery? Can we hear and understand you? This is not about accents whether your own or one that you are using, it is about being understood by the audience.


Do you have clear and appropriate physicality for the role that you are playing?