This competition is now closed and you can see the results on the The Results page below.
Welcome to the annual FOBISIA Monologue challenge. We are really excited at BIS HCMC to be hosting this virtual challenge. This year there are 2 categories and 3 age groups for the challenge. Your school can enter one of each category for each age group.
Classic (pre 1700)
Contemporary (post 1980)
Age groups
This Site has all the information that you will need to select and rehearse your monologue, We will also be posting all of the monologues entered on this website to celebrate your work. We can't wait to see what you can create!
Performing a monologue is no easy task, on this page there are lots of hints and tips to help you select your monologue and perfect your performance.
When your school sends your entries you will be able to see them posted here. You can also see the entries from the other FOBISIA Schools.
Here are the details about the judging process and what our amazing judges will be looking for.