Lego club is a club for the creative and for the people yearning for fun. If you are needing to do something Thursdays after school, Lego club is almost every Thursday from 3:20 to 4:00. This club has been run by Brayden Hirning for the last two years. There is a lot of new things including the new S.T.E.A.M. Paw.

Brayden Hirning (Lego Adviser) and Kylie Greenwood (Makerspaces Adviser) were the project manager and were here over the summer to help put together this room. They redid the old orchestra room for the boys and girls that want to be there after school. They painted a Chalk wall and put up a lego wall. The S.T.E.A.M. paw is right in front of the Student Services and in front of the Library. There is many new things like Ozobots, Jenga, a Active Board, ect. They play board games like Clue some days. Sometimes, a kid will bring his Nintendo Switch with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. They make slime and Silly putty for those intrested in that.

Come and join Lego club today (Thursday at 3:20).

- Brayden Hirning

Steam Paw( Top)

Completed Lego wall from the summer!!! (Bottom)

Members of Lego/ Makerspaces from 1st meet 2018