Google Classroom Info

Parent & Student Reference

Logging into Classroom:

  1. For Chromebooks, Laptops, or Desktop Computers: Go to and log in with your BISD student Google account.

  2. For smartphones or tablets (Android or iPad/iPhone), download the Google Classroom app, then log in with your BISD student Google account.


    • Student emails are in the format of Student ID followed by
      For example:

    • If you're having trouble logging in, you can double check your student's login credentials by logging into Family Access (, clicking Portfolio on the left, selecting the student, then clicking Student Login Credentials. This will generate a report that you can click on to retrieve the student's username and password.

Once logged in:

  1. Click on the class you want to view:

Here’s a helpful reference for the elements within a Google Classroom from slides put together by Tanya Bratton, M. Ed. The ones with stars are of high interest to parents.

And here are Assignment Details from the Classwork tab (also put together by Tanya Bratton, M. Ed.)

Want to learn more? Go to for more information!