Additional Services
& Resources

504 and Special Education Services

Please click here to access information about how BISD will be supporting students receiving 504 and Special Education services during our school closure!

Talking with your child about COVID-19

We know this is a stressful time for students, families, and educators. Concerns about the spread of COVID-19 are growing. Here, we’ve compiled a list of resources you can use to help young people learn the social-emotional skills they need to get through these challenging events.

Mind Yeti on Vimeo: English | Spanish

Mind Yeti on YouTube: English | Spanish

Mind Yeti Podcast: RSS Feed | Spotify | Stitcher

Little Children, Big Challenges: Committee for Children and Sesame Street have partnered to create a collection of resources for young children facing significant challenges. These materials, aimed at building children’s resilience, may be useful for educators and families.

ParenTeen Connect: For families with older children, this resource provides an online experience they can share together. It’s loaded with videos, resources, and useful advice to help teens and the adults in their lives address hot-button topics.

BrainPop about Coronavirus: It can be scary to hear about a disease outbreak, but learning the facts can help ease your mind.

Teens and Social Distancing Visual for Parents: A visual to help parents avoid misinterpreting their child’s behavior during this unprecedented time

SEL Resources

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Below is a list that adults may find helpful in addressing their own SEL needs during this time as well as some additional SEL resources that students can access from home. Please note that the resources for students are in addition to the SEL lessons that are being provided to students in their At Home Learning.

Flexibility in the Midst of a Crisis: Being prepared is not only about having enough water or medication to ride out several weeks of quarantine—we need to be prepared psychologically as well.

Regulating Emotions in a COVID-19 World: Evidence-based suggestions that may help in this time of disruption and relative isolation.

The Power of Parenting with Social and Emotional Learning: Explore ways to connect school-based SEL to the home.

21 Ways to Practice Self-Care: Discover ways to build a self-care routine. Self-care is the first step in being able to take of others.

Virus Anxiety Resources: Helpful resources when experiencing higher than usual levels of anxiety due to the current crisis.

Additional SEL Resources for Students

Captain Compassion: Here, children can find games, comics, and activities they can do on their own, or with their families, to learn about how they can help stop bullying.

30 Day Kindness Journal: CharacterStrong allows students to sign up for free to receive an email each day with a kindness journal activity that can be done from home.

'Classroom' management for at home learning

During this time when families are trying to work from home, support their child's learning and cope with the uncertainty created by COVID-19, we know that supports for social, emotional, and behavioral needs are more important than ever. Emergent Tree, an educational organization and partner of Bastrop ISD, is providing free resources to meet those needs. Below is the link to their new YouTube channel with videos to support parents in building family expectations/values, restorative conversations and more.

Emergent Tree Education YouTube channel

Here are links for a Daily Behavior Report Card (DBRC) and videos of how to use one:

Here are links for Social Skills lessons that can be used at home:

Note: To see subtitles for the videos in another language:

  1. Click the 'CC' button for closed captioning on the bottom right of the video. This will turn closed captioning on.

  2. Click the Setting Icon to the right of the 'CC' and select 'Subtitles/CC'

  3. Finally click on 'Auto-Translate' and select a language from the list