As we embark on our digital learning journey, ensure you are familiar with all of the skills listed under the "Essentials" heading below. Once you are comfortable with those skills, feel free to peruse the other two areas.

The "Good to Know" skills you can live without, but they will make your life much easier during the student online learning cycle. The "Extra Credit" topics are awesome tips and tricks that can push your Google Classroom skill level up a notch or two.

Next to each skill, you will find links that will bring you to a video tutorial or text document. If a link isn't there yet, it's coming. We decided it was more important to get information to you NOW than to wait until the site was 100% complete. Please reach out to a Learning Technologies Coach if you need us to add any additional tutorial topics. This website will continue to grow and evolve over time.


General Google Classroom Tasks

Create an Assignment - Video

Navigate the Google Classroom Dashboard - Document

Create a Video Message to Students Using the Google Classroom Phone App (Video) or Screencastify (Video)

Giving Feedback on Student Work

Where to Give Feedback on an Assignment - Document

Giving Meaningful Feedback in Google Classroom - Video | Slides (Google Slides) | Slides (PDF)

Google Classroom - Text Feedback - Video

Google Classroom Feedback Tool: Sort by Status - Video

What to Do if a Student Turns in Work Before It's Complete or Mastered - Video

Good to Know

Communicate with Students Within Google Classroom - Document

Set Up a Comment Bank for Frequently Used Feedback - Document

Make a Copy of an Assignment for Another Class (e.g., 2 Sections of Biology) - Document

Organize Classwork with Topics - Document | Video

Add Announcements to the Classroom Stream - Document

Google Classroom: The Stream vs. The Classwork Page - Video

Add Class Materials (Information You Want Students to Have That's Not Part of an Assignment) - Document

Enabling and Using Google Meet Within Google Classroom - Video

Change Your Notification Settings in Google Classroom (i.e., get fewer emails!) - Video

Keep Track of Complete and Incomplete Assignments in Google Classroom - Video

Extra Credit

Create a Single Question (Can Be Used to Gather Information or for Class Discussion) - Document

Get to Your Google Classroom Classes Faster: Bookmark your Classwork Pages - Video

Set Up Guardian Summaries Emails - Video

Re-Invite a Parent or Guardian to Guardian Summaries Emails - Video