Active Membership

The Pre-Medical Association offers the opportunity to become an active member in our organization. Club members attain 'active membership' once they have accumulated 6 total 'credits.'

A member will earn 1 credit per hour of volunteering. Volunteering at an event for 1 hour is worth 1 credit, and volunteering for 2 hours is worth 2 credits. Each general body meeting (GBM) is also worth 1 credit. For example, attending 2 GBMs and tabling for 2 separate 2 hour volunteer events throughout the semester will result in 6 total credits. Attending a 2-hour single volunteer event, 2 GBMs, and a 2-hour Late Night Binghamton event hosted by the PMA would be another way to earn active membership.

There are many opportunities to earn 6 credits by the end of each semester. Becoming an active member allows one to run for an open e-board position (elections are run at the end of the school year or at the end of the semester depending on if there are open positions). Only active members can apply for an e-board position, but active membership does not guarantee a position on the e-board. Earning 6 credits is the minimum one needs to become an active member, but all members are encouraged to volunteer for more than 6 hours.