

Mathematics is one of the oldest and richest disciplines in existence, with an impact that has shaped society over millennia. As part of the Binghamton University community, this organization wishes to open itself to all students, promoting mathematics throughout the student body and deepening the mathematical understanding of its members while simultaneously creating an enjoyable atmosphere through a balanced integration of lectures, discussions, problem solving, and social activities.

Article I: Name

  1. The official name of this organization is the Math Club of Binghamton University. It shall be known and henceforth referred to as Math Club.

Article II: Purpose

  1. The purpose of this organization is to foster interest in mathematics, to enhance students knowledge of mathematics, to form a social network of students interested in mathematics, and to assist students in their mathematical pursuits and in finding opportunities, such as participating in a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, applying to graduate school, and discovering careers related to mathematics.

Article III: Affiliation

  1. The organization is affiliated with the Binghamton University Department of Mathematical Sciences (DOMS).

  2. The Department of Mathematical Sciences may appoint Advisors to the Club, who shall advise the club upon request and perform other duties henceforth stated.

  3. In the event where no Advisors are appointed by the Department of Mathematical Sciences, the undergraduate advising liaison or the undergraduate program director of the Department of Mathematical Sciences shall automatically assume the position.

Article IV: Membership

  1. Membership of this organization is open to all of the Binghamton University community, regardless of choice of major or part-time or full-time status, and members will not be required to pay any dues.

  2. Membership of this organization is partitioned into active members and associate members, which are defined as follows:

    1. An active member is any undergraduate student of Binghamton University that has attended at least three Math Club meetings within the current semester or attended at least three meetings during the previous semester.

    2. An associate member is any undergraduate student, graduate student, faculty, or staff of Binghamton University that has attended at least one Math Club meeting at any time and either has made a request for membership or has given their e-mail address to the Secretary.

  3. This organization is not to engage in policies or practices that serve to discriminate against or give preference to any student on the basis of their age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, political belief, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran status in regard to membership and participation in this organization’s activities.

  4. The general membership of this organization is open to all students and others as outlined in the constitution of the Student Association at the State University of New York at Binghamton.

  5. References to membership henceforth refer to both active and associate members, unless otherwise specified.

Article V: Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee consists of appointed positions and the following elected positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Treasurer position may be combined with Secretary.

  2. To qualify for an elected Executive Committee position, one must be an active member of Math Club, unless this requirement is waived for a given position or individual by a unanimous vote of active members by or on the deadline for candidacy requests. At no time, however, may anyone other than an undergraduate student of Binghamton University hold an Executive Committee position, whether elected or appointed.

  3. The duties of the President consist of the following:

    1. Preparing the membership for mathematical contests;

    2. Registering Math Club with the Student Association each year;

    3. Maintaining contact with the Student Association;

    4. Presiding over all meetings and Executive Committee meetings;

    5. Arranging speakers and activities for Math Club meetings;

    6. Maintaining an updated website for the Math Club;

    7. Proposing appointments to the Executive Committee;

    8. Arranging Executive Committee elections before the end of April;

    9. Maintaining contact with the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

  4. The duties of the Vice President consist of the following:

    1. In the absence of the President, presiding over meetings and Executive Committee meetings;

    2. Ensuring that the Executive Committee adheres to the Constitution;

    3. Aiding the President in assisting with some of their duties;

    4. Checking the mail at least once every week during the fall and spring semesters;

    5. Proposing topics for Math Club meetings;

    6. Maintaining contact with other student organizations associated with the Department of Mathematical Sciences, including but not limited to BingAWM and PME.

  5. The duties of the Treasurer consist of the following:

    1. Keeping a record of the finances of Math Club and being accountable for those records;

    2. Allocating Math Club funds according to procedure;

    3. Requesting funds from the Financial Council of the Student Association every year;

    4. Advising the President and Executive Committee in financial matters;

    5. Producing an account of all funds to any member of the Executive Committee upon request;

    6. Seeking additional funding from the Binghamton University Mathematics Department and other sources when needed.

  6. The duties of the Secretary consist of the following:

    1. Contacting the membership about each meeting;

    2. Taking attendance at all meetings;

    3. Keeping a record of the topic and major events of each meeting;

    4. Maintaining the record of active and associate members;

    5. Collecting the contact information, at least consisting of e-mail addresses, of all members and those interested in Math Club.

  7. At any time, the Executive Committee can appoint other individuals to the Executive Committee by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee. Appointed Executive Committee positions have full Executive Committee membership and voting rights. An appointed position ends at the conclusion of the April elections of the new Executive Committee.

  8. Executive Committee members are responsible for having read, being familiar with, and upholding the Constitution. Some of the duties of any position may be delegated if another Math Club member is willing to perform them. Nonetheless, each Executive Committee member must ensure that their duties are carried out and is personally responsible for the results. Furthermore, the duties listed above are by no means exhaustive as each Executive Committee member may be required to do more when necessary.

Article VI: Meetings

  1. Meetings are held at least twice a month during the fall or spring semester. The topic of the meeting is determined by a consensus of the Executive Committee. The President, any two members of the Executive Committee, or any five active members can call a meeting, provided that the membership is notified at least 24 hours before the meeting. E-mail communication is regarded as both necessary and sufficient notification.

  2. A formal vote on any matter can take place if and only if the membership is given notice at least three days in advance of the meeting. Additionally, a quorum for voting procedures consists of a simple majority of active members or two-thirds of the Executive Committee. However, a meeting with no voting requires no quorum.

  3. The Executive Committee must hold an executive meeting at least once every month during the fall and spring semesters. The President or any two members of the Executive Committee can call an Executive Committee meeting, provided that all of the Executive Committee is given notice at least three days in advance of the meeting. A quorum consists of a simple majority of the total number of members of the Executive Committee. In voting matters, an Executive Committee member holding more than one position will only be allowed one vote.

Article VII: Elections

  1. Before the end of March in each academic year, the Executive Committee sets a date for elections to take place in April and a deadline for candidacy requests for Executive Committee positions, which must be at least three days before the date for elections. The position of President is the first on which to be voted, and the President must communicate this information regarding the deadline, the elections, and the format of the election at least one week before the deadline for candidacy requests to the membership and the Advisors.

  2. Upon deciding and communicating the date for elections and the deadline for candidacy requests, the President shall decide the format of the elections and candidacy requests and shall seek approval from the Advisors. The elections shall only be conducted if the Advisors or an arbitrator appointed by the Advisors approves the format decided by the President.

  3. In order to qualify to run for an election that is held in April, one must be an active member and must have attended at least two meetings before any meetings on the day of the deadline for candidacy requests during the spring semester of that year. This requirement can be waived for an individual by a unanimous vote of active members, either before or on the day of the deadline for candidacy requests. A candidate may run for a maximum of three positions.

  4. During the elections, each position is to be considered independently and voted on one at a time. If at any point a position has only one candidate, then that candidate is automatically elected to that position without distributing ballots. If at any point a position has no candidates, then the election procedures continue with the next position, and that position is filled according to the procedures for filling vacancies after the election procedures conclude.

  5. A simple majority vote is required in order to elect an individual. If a majority is not reached on the first ballot, then a run-off vote will immediately be held between the two candidates that receive the greatest number of votes. This process will repeat for each elected position until all elected positions have been either filled or have had a vacancy acknowledged.

  6. The newly elected members of the Executive Committee assume their duties as soon as voting procedures have concluded.

Article VIII: Vacancies

  1. Any member of the Executive Committee may resign from their position at any time by sending an e-mail or written notice to all other members of the Executive Committee of the resignation and date at which the resignation will take effect, if not immediately.

  2. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary, the Executive Committee must appoint a replacement by a two-thirds vote within ten business days in which the university is in session.

  3. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Advisors may appoint an Interim President. If such an appointment does not occur, the Vice President may assume the position of Interim President. The Interim President is to notify the membership of the availability of the position of President, the date for election to take place, and a deadline for candidacy request for President, provided that the deadline for candidacy requests is at least three days prior to the election. The Interim President shall determine the format by which the election and request for candidacy shall take place and seek approval by the Advisors or an arbitrator appointed by the Advisors. All active members are eligible to run. The election of an individual requires a simple majority vote. If a majority is not reached on the first ballot, then a run-off vote will immediately be held between the two candidates that receive the greatest number of votes. The newly elected President will take over their responsibilities immediately.

  4. If there is a vacancy and the President or Interim President deems it necessary, emergency elections may be held for any vacant position, provided that the deadline for candidacy requests is three days before the date on which voting will take place, and the membership is notified of these dates at least one week prior to the deadline.

Article IX: Impeachment

  1. An Executive Committee member shall be removed from office if they does not perform their duties or does not act in accordance with the purpose of Math Club. During a meeting, any active member can introduce the matter of impeachment regarding any member or members of the Executive Committee. The date of the vote of impeachment is to be set within ten business days in which the university is in session of when the impeachment is introduced. Active members must then be informed at least three days in advance of when the vote on impeachment is to occur. A two-thirds vote by active members is required for impeachment. In the case of removal, the position is to be filled according to the vacant position procedures listed in Article VI.

Article X: Grievances

  1. Any member may express their grievances by sending a formal letter, either written or by e-mail, to the President and if the member wishes, to the entire Executive Committee. If that member wishes, they may then attend the following Executive Committee meeting, where the Executive Committee will discuss the grievances and decide what action to take. No more than thirty days of the fall and spring semesters may pass without the Executive Committee reaching some resolution.

Article XI: Ratification

  1. This Constitution is to be ratified by the membership through a two-thirds vote of active members, provided that the membership is given notice at least three days in advance.

Article XII: Amendment

  1. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of active members. For this to take place, however, the membership must be given the full text of the amendment and notified that a vote will be held at least three days in advance.