Join Our Lab

Information for Prospective Graduate Students

*****I am reviewing applications from prospective graduate students during the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 application cycle (for admission Fall 2025)******

Using a Junior-Colleague approach, I endeavor to create a collaborative environment, facilitate critical thinking and problem solving skills, and capitalize on students’ strengths as they pursue their own professional goals. I  maintain an “open-door” policy and encourage open communication. My ultimate goal as a mentor is to help students develop into independent Clinical Psychologists, who make meaningful contributions to the field. As such, I emphasize the importance of quality writing, and graduate students will be encouraged to pursue high-impact publications and research awards (e.g., F31 fellowships). Students will also be encouraged to contribute to established and upcoming laboratory research projects, while developing their own independent research interests. 

Like our program, I am personally committed to equity and inclusion of students who are traditionally underrepresented in psychology. Students from under-represented racial/ethnic populations and disadvantaged backgrounds, first-generation college students, Veterans, students with disabilities, and people who identify as LGBTQIA, are highly encouraged to apply. I am pleased to support admitted students from underrepresented groups for competitive fellowships (particularly, see the Clark Fellowship) that provide financial support towards protected time for scholarly activities.

Graduate applications should be submitted to the Binghamton University Graduate School by the stated application deadline.  Please note that GRE scores are not required and will not be attached to your application (please do not send them).  Some prospective students may be eligible for a fee waiver from the Graduate School. Contact the Graduate School directly with questions about eligibility for fee waivers or the application process.

Prospective Graduate Students who have specific questions about my lab or our program are encouraged to contact me directly at

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Hands-on laboratory experience is a critical component of undergraduate education in psychology and preparation for graduate training. As an undergraduate research mentor, I seek to engage students who are interested in ultimately pursuing graduate degrees in Clinical Psychology. Undergraduate RAs will typically participate in a range of experiences, including participant recruitment and screening, data collection, and data management. 

When reviewing applications, we seek to balance the needs of the lab and the student's interests and goals. Requirements for undergraduate research assistants include:

Students may choose to complete lab experience for course credit or on a volunteer basis. All RAs are treated the same and follow the same requirements. 

At this time, our lab is accepting applications for a limited number of openings beginning Fall 2024.

To apply, please send me (