The Psychology Department at Binghamton University unequivocally condemns racism, violence and threats of harm towards Black individuals in our local communities and nation, as a whole. In doing so, we affirm the recent statement of American Psychological Association, particularly its emphasis on the fact that Americans “…are living in a racism pandemic, which is taking a heavy psychological toll on our African American citizens,” adding that “[t]he health consequences [to them] are dire.”

Throughout the United States, Black members of our community are subjected to systemic forms of explicit and implicit racism, including discrimination and bias that devastates their physical and mental wellbeing. At this time, we must redouble our commitment to creating a safe, inclusive and diverse work and learning environment. We also recognize that the isolation and erosion of community spaces/gatherings due to Covid-19 compounds the challenges that we face in creating a welcoming and affirming atmosphere. We will be taking a series of steps to provide support to our community in the coming days, weeks and months. We encourage individuals interested in becoming more involved and wishing to support their peers to seek out resources from the American Psychological Association’s website and be on the lookout for opportunities within our community to take positive action for social change.

Welcome to the Substance Use, Pain, and Health Research Lab at Binghamton University!

The SPHRL focuses on research broadly in the areas of health psychology and behavioral medicine, with an emphasis on interrelations between substance use, pain, and psychopathology. We utilize an interdisciplinary, multi-methods approach to identify potential mechanisms of action and modifiable treatment targets. Consistent with a translational approach, empirical research findings are applied to the development and evaluation of novel interventions.

Research Program