The Varodayan Lab

Investigating the synaptic mechanisms and neurocircuitry underlying alcohol use disorder and comorbid neuropsychiatric diseases

Florence P. Varodayan, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator

Dr. Varodayan completed her B.A. in Biology/Biochemistry and her M.Sc. in Chemistry as a Vagelos Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania in 2007. She earned her Ph.D. in Neuroscience in 2013 from Columbia University where she investigated how alcohol harnesses canonical stress-induced transcriptional mechanisms to shape cortical synaptic activity under the mentorship of Dr. Neil Harrison. Dr. Varodayan then completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the laboratories of Dr. Marisa Roberto and Dr. Amanda Roberts at The Scripps Research Institute where she developed interests in how pro- and anti-stress systems regulate amygdala activity, and their contribution to the development of alcohol use disorder. Dr. Varodayan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology and the Developmental Exposure Alcohol Research Center (DEARC) at Binghamton University. She is the first SUNY Chancellor’s Early-Career Scholar and is a SUNY PRODiG faculty member. Dr. Varodayan's research focuses on how neuropeptides, neuromodulators, and neuroimmune mediators influence cortical circuits and synapses to promote the cognitive deficits associated with anxiety, stress and alcohol use disorder. 


Faculty Profile / CV / PubMed / Google Scholar


Postdoctoral Scientist

Paige completed her B.Sc. in Psychology at University at Buffalo in 2017. She earned her M.Sc. in 2019 and her Ph.D. in 2023 from Binghamton University in Behavioral Neuroscience, where she focused on the interaction between chronic and adolescent alcohol use on the development of Alzheimer’s Disease from a neuroinflammatory perspective. Paige is interested in studying how early alcohol use impacts the neuroimmune system and stress response systems to promote a variety of disease states later in life, particularly in a sex-dependent manner. In her free time, Paige enjoys baking, swimming, and reading.

Andrea (ANDI) Liss

Graduate Student 

Andi received her at B.S. in Integrative Neuroscience at Binghamton University in 2021. She is interested in studying how the effects of alcohol dependence on behaviors and neurocircuitry are influenced by confounding factors such as sex and age, with a current focus on astrocytes. In her free time, she enjoys going to concerts and being an active member of the BTS ARMY fandom. 

Marcis Scroger

Graduate Student 

SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence (CASE)

John L. Fuller Memorial Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research in Psychobiology

Summer Scholars and Artists Program (SSAP) 

Undergraduate Conference Presentation Fund (UCPF) 

Marcis received his B.S. in Integrative Neuroscience at Binghamton University in 2023. He is interested in studying how alcohol circuitry and associated behaviors are impacted as a result of other relevant neuropsychological impairments, such as stress and anxiety. Moreover, how this framework is influenced by underlying factors such as sex to serve a wider clinical population. In Marcis' free time, he enjoys obsessing over Survivor and other social-strategy reality competition shows, watching movies, and exploring/hiking in nature.

Mahum Siddiqi

Laboratory Technician

*Recipient of the Professional Development Grant

Mahum received her B.S. in Integrative Neuroscience and minor in History from Binghamton University in 2023. She is interested in studying how alcohol dependency impacts the expression of different genes in the medial prefrontal cortex, and the behavioral implications that follow. In her free time, Mahum enjoys reading, painting and cooking. 

Katie trinh vo

Undergraduate Research Assistant

*Recipient of the Summer Scholars and Artists Program (SSAP) Award

Katie is a senior undergraduate student majoring in Integrative Neuroscience. She joined the Varodayan Lab because partaking in research for alcohol use disorder therapies that could significantly help decrease the prevalence in many underserved communities intrigued her—seeing a significant change in her own communities with research that she would be a part of felt very special to her. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family and walking in nature. 

Iman shahbaz

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Iman is a junior majoring in Integrative Neuroscience on the pre-med track. She joined the Varodayan Lab to explore the ramifications of alcohol dependency and disorders on the neural systems, specifically the medial prefrontal cortex, and psychiatric diseases. She is also interested in the ability to develop innovative treatment strategies to aid those that are struggling with Alcohol Use Disorder. In her free time she enjoys reading, working out, and watching horror movies.

Misha muneeb

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Misha is a junior at Binghamton University majoring in Integrative Neuroscience on the pre-med track. She joined the Varodayan Lab because she's interested in learning about the neurobiology behind AUD to prevent relapses in patients. In her free time, she enjoys reading, going to the beach, and spending time with friends.   

Josh Gendlin

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Josh is a junior majoring in Integrative Neuroscience on the pre-med track. He joined the Varodayan Lab because he is passionate about understanding how both alcohol and stress affect cognitive health. He is also interested in applying research findings in order to develop therapeutic treatments for alcohol use disorder and better the lives of those affected. In his free time he enjoys working out, spending time with his family, and traveling. 

Camryn Mclean

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Camryn is a junior double majoring in Psychology & Political Science with a minor in French. She joined the Varodayan lab to expand her research abilities within the field of neuroscience, while also acquiring new knowledge relating to AUD and ethanol dependence. She is also interested in uncovering more effective treatments for those struggling with AUD. In her free time, she likes to play sports, spend time with friends & family, and relax while listening to music/watching Netflix. 



Alexandria Athanson, 2021-2023


Chris Coble, 2020-2021, Now at Astellas Gene Therapies, San Francisco


Jay Grace, 2020

Yesha Patel, 2021, Current Binghamton Student, *Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program Scholar

Kenna Martin, 2021-2022 

Eghosa Idahor, 2022, Undergraduate Researcher *CSTEP Scholar

Amy Astefanous, 2022-2023, *McNair Scholar

Dhruba Podder, 2021-2023, *Recipient of the Undergraduate Research Award (URA)

Gianna Vessey, 2021-2023

Noah Paperny, 2021-2023

Nolawit Belachew, 2022-2023, *McNair Scholar

Vincent Gatt, 2022-2023

Serena Chan, 2023

Molly Batchelder, 2022-2024 *Recipient of the Undergraduate Research Award (URA)

Zachary Evans, 2022-2024

 © Copyright 2020 | Varodayan Laboratory | Department of Psychology | Binghamton University