Curriculum Vitae
December 12, 2024
Department of Economics
P.O. Box 6000
Binghamton University
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
Contact Information / Web
Professor, Department of Economics, Binghamton University, Sept. 2014 -
Chair, Department of Economics, Binghamton University, Sept. 2016 - August 2022
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Binghamton University, Jan. 2007 - Aug. 2014
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Binghamton University, Aug. 1999 - Dec. 2006
Ph.D., Economics, Washington University in St. Louis, 1999
M.A., Economics, Washington University in St. Louis, 1994
B.S., Business Administration, Miami University, 1993
Administrative and Leadership Positions
Chair, Department of Economics, Binghamton University, Sept. 2016 -Aug. 2022
Chief administrative officer of the department with overall responsibility for hiring, personnel cases, graduate recruitment and marketing, budget and finance, discretionary raise recommendations, approval for travel and research expenditures, management of staff, summer and winter programs, and curriculum planning. Elected by department for two consecutive three-year terms: 2016 to 2019 and 2019 to 2022. Previously served as Director of Undergraduate Studies from 2013 to 2015.
From 2016-2022, the department consisted of 25-27 full-time faculty members (18-21 of whom were tenured or tenure-track), 3 department staff members, and additional full-time graduate student instructors and part-time adjunct instructors. The department offers four undergraduate degrees and a minor as well as MA and PhD programs. These programs served between 750 and 1,000 total undergraduate majors and around 40 doctoral students with total graduate enrollment of between 60 and 90 students. In 2021-22, total department payroll was approximately $3.7 million and total graduate student support (stipends and tuition waivers) was over $900,000. Departmental revenue from summer and winter programs was between $190,000 and $315,000. U.S. News ranked our graduate programs #78 in 2023.
Developed hiring plans for each academic year from 2017-18 through 2022-23. Managed 6 tenure-track faculty searches (5 successful), hired 9 full-time non-tenure track faculty members and 3 full-time staff members. One of the department's tenure-track hires qualified for financial support under the SUNY Chancellor's PRODiG ("Promoting Recruitment, Opportunity, Diversity, Inclusion and Growth" ) initiative.
Successfully applied for a SUNY Faculty Diversity Program grant in 2018-19.
Managed 2 promotion and tenure cases, 1 promotion to full case, 5 mid-tenure reviews, initiated 2 additional reviews carried out in 2022-23, and implemented a new departmental mentoring program for junior faculty starting in 2016.
Managed the department throughout the covid-19 pandemic.
Managed the department's external evaluation up through the completion of the department's Self-Study in Summer 2022. The external review took place in 2022-23 with the site visit taking place in April 2023. Participated in the Debrief/Exit interview with the external reviewers and the upper administration.
Launched a new 4+1 Accelerated MA program tied to the B.S. track in Financial Economics in 2016 and later extended the program to the other two B.S. tracks. Exceeded enrollment targets set by the Dean in 2019 and 2020 (no target set subsequently).
Reregistered all undergraduate programs in Economics with SUNY and SED and successfully applied for change of CIP code to achieve STEM designation for the MA program in 2020. PhD program CIP code subsequently changed in 2023.
Launched a Giving page for the department in 2022.
Awarded competitive funding for the Binghamton University Social Science Experimental Lab (Bing SSEL) under the President’s Roadmap process in 2017 (joint proposal with Dave Clark and Andreas Pape)
Led a task force on Chair’s and Program Director’s compensation appointed by the Dean of Harpur College in 2018.
Served on the Department Chairs Workshop Advisory Committee led by the Provost and the Vice President of DDEI in 2021 and participated in panel discussions during new chair orientations in 2021, 2022, and 2023.
Initiated a multi-year MOU between Binghamton and the University of Bremen in cooperation with School of Management to offer Binghamton undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in Bremen's summer program.
Initiated Econ-nect series - a partnership between the Economics department and Harpur Edge to connect alumni with students to highlight the main areas of employment they seek.
Co-sponsor of a proposal led by the Dean of CCPA for a new Trans-Disciplinary Area of Excellence (TAE) on Poverty and Inequality in 2016.
Chair, Faculty Senate Budget Review Committee (BRC), Binghamton University, Sept. 2020 - present
Set the agenda and ran committee meetings throughout the academic year (approximately every other week) . The BRC meets with senior administrators including the President, all Vice Presidents, the Director of the Binghamton University Foundation, the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Enrollment Management, and Deans to raise issues and concerns related to the university's budget, financial situation, and capital plan. The Provost and the CFO are both members of the committee.
The BRC reviews the President's Annual Financial Report annually and reviews academic business plans for all new academic programs. Since 2020, these have included plans for two doctoral degrees in Occupational Therapy, and MA degrees in Speech Language Pathology, Translation, and Public Policy.
Met monthly one-on-one with the CFO of the University and participated in monthly standing meetings with the President and Provost as a member of a small group of campus governance leaders (CGLs) and in separate monthly CGL meetings with the Provost. Served on the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (ex officio). Served on the Vice Provost's Enrollment Management Liaison Committee.
Served on the Roadmap Steering Committee for Strategic Priority #5 (Strategic Investments) and contributed to its proposal for faculty and staff retention, which was funded by the President in 2023.
Served on a Joint Provost-Faculty Senate Graduate Curriculum Process Review Committee in 2020-21 and revised the charge of the Budget Review Committee as part of the review.
Chaired an ad hoc sub-committee to revise the Faculty By Laws, which were approved by the Faculty Senate in 2023. The amendments related to searches for senior level administrators, interim appointments of senior level administrators, Faculty Senate review of administrators, Faculty Senate election procedures, and introduced a formal process for receivership with Senate oversight.
Led BRC's review of over 160 funding proposals from campus constituents to the six strategic priority committees (Roadmap) in 2024 and made recommendations directly to the President.
Participated in advisory meetings with the Dean of Engineering regarding the reorganization of Watson College to create new schools of computer science and systems science and industrial engineering in 2024.
Co-chair, Search Committee for Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs, Binghamton University, 2021 - 2022
Participated in scoring proposals from search firms and forming the search committee, and worked closely with co-chair, Karen Jones, and representatives from the search firm throughout the process.
Co-chaired all meetings of the search committee to review applications, select candidates for Zoom interviews, to conduct the Zoom interviews, to recommend finalists for campus interviews, and following the campus visits. Met with the President to discuss our recommendations.
Met with all finalists on campus for dinner, attended the open forums, and led on campus meetings between the finalists and faculty representatives and staff representatives, and attended meetings of the finalists with the Provost’s senior staff.
Chair, Arts & Sciences University Personnel Committee, Binghamton University, 2022-2024
Chair, All-University Personnel Committee (AUPC), Binghamton University, 2020-2021.
The AUPC carries out the final campus review by faculty in all personnel cases involving faculty status (renewal, tenure and promotion to Associate Professor, promotion to full Professor, and review and tenure of Instructors). The Arts & Sciences University Personnel Committee reviews all personnel cases in Harpur College of Arts and Sciences. The AUPC and its three sub-committees each elect their own Chairs.
The Arts & Sciences UPC reviewed 29 personnel cases from all four divisions of Harpur College and held one formal review in AY 2022-23.
The Arts & Sciences UPC reviewed 36 personnel cases from all four divisions of Harpur College and held two formal reviews in AY 2023-24.
Led the committee in reviewing and updating its procedures to ensure compliance with the Faculty By Laws in 2023.
Chair, Faculty Senate Executive Committee (FSEC), Binghamton University, Sept. 2018 - Aug. 2020
Set the agenda and ran weekly committee meetings throughout the academic year. The FSEC is an elected body, which chooses its chair. It meets with senior administrators to raise issues and concerns of the faculty. The committee reviews new program proposals, passes resolutions, initiates task forces, reviews policies and procedures, and reviews evaluations of senior administrators from the Evaluation Coordination Committee (ECC). It also appoints members to search committees for senior administrative positions, and interviews finalists for senior administrative positions.
Participated in monthly meetings with the President and Provost as a member of a small group of campus governance leaders (CGLs) and in separate monthly CGL meetings with the Provost.
Served on the Senior Officers Group Plus (President, Provost, Vice Presidents, and Deans) as one of the two elected Faculty Senate leaders.
Served on the Binghamton University Covid-19 Crisis Management Team (BUCCMT), the Restarting Binghamton Steering Committee, and participated in campus-wide planning related to the pandemic throughout the spring and summer of 2020.
Served as a member of the Roadmap Steering Committee for Strategic Priority #3 Inclusive Campus (Diversity)
Served on the Vice Provost's Enrollment Liaison Committee
Worked with the Provost to create a Joint Task Force on Graduate Education and Scholarship (JTF-GES), a Joint Task Force on Micro-credentials, and a Faculty Advisory Committee for Carnegie Engagement. Worked with the Provost and Chief Information Officer to create a new ITS Research Computing Advisory Committee.
Selected activities of the FSEC during the 2018-19 and 2019-2020 academic years:
Held discussions related to a new SUNY policy on Sexual Harassment and Consensual Romantic Relationships throughout 2018-19.
Endorsed a SUNY UFS resolution to Provide Free Access to Menstrual Products at all SUNY Campuses in all Restrooms, which led to a campus-wide initiative.
Endorsed SUNY UFS resolutions on Gender Neutral Language in all SUNY Correspondence, Appointment of Interim Administrators at or above the level of Dean, and on Support for SUNY Negotiations for a Fair and Reasonable Contract with Elsevier.
Reviewed or formulated policies on Open Access, Student Academic Honesty, Final Exams, Micro-credentials, and Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility.
Reviewed final reports from the Task Force on Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Work (TFIT) and the Transdisciplinary Areas of Excellence (TAE) Evaluation Committee and passed a resolution to create a temporary joint standing committee to review and implement recommendations.
Passed a resolution to create a new Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences to facilitate launching new programs in OT, PT and Speech Pathology.
Passed a resolution on Freedom of Expression and Culture of Civility.
Reviewed and approved new programs including Nursing RN to BS, MS in Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, MS in Information Systems (MSIS), MS / PhD in Biochemistry and Chemical Biology, and MS / PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Also, reviewed a proposed Doctor of Physical Therapy program.
Met with senior administrators throughout the spring 2020 semester regarding the pandemic and endorsed the Provost’s tenure pause policy.
Worked with the Faculty Senate Diversity Committee to improve the election process for the All-University Personnel Committee.
Interviewed finalists for Chief of Police, Directors of Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology, Vice President for Advancement, Dean of Students, Dean of the Watson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Reviewed evaluations of the President, Provost, three Deans and three Vice Provosts.
Fellowships / Visiting Positions / Affiliations
Visiting Professor, Business Studies and Economics, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany, June/July 2019, June/July 2021
Consultant – Question Writer, AP Macroeconomics, ETS, Aug./Sept. 2017
Member, Macroeconomics Curriculum Development and Assessment Committee (CDAC), Advanced Placement (AP) Program, College Board, June 2014 – July 2016
Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, June/July 2004, July/Aug. 2007, Jan. - Dec. 2008, July/Aug. 2009, Jan. 2011, July/Aug. 2013, July/Aug. 2014, July/Aug. 2015
Visiting Researcher, Research Institute for Industrial Economics (IFN), Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2013, Aug. 2015
Visiting Scholar, Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Oct. 1995 - July 1998, Dec. 2008, May 2009, Feb. 2010, Aug. 2011
Leverhulme Fellow, Economics and Strategy Group, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, Jan. - Dec. 2007
Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Syracuse University, Aug. 2003 - May 2004
Brookings Research Fellow, Economic Studies, The Brookings Institution, Aug. 1998 - July 1999
Research Interests
Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Index Number Theory, Demand Systems, Revealed Preference
Jane Binner, Rakesh Bissoondeeal, Barry Jones, and Victor Valcarcel, "Identifying Monetary Policy Shocks with Divisia Money in the United Kingdom," Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming.
Adrian Fleissig and Barry Jones, "U.K. Household-Sector Money Demand and Divisia Monetary Aggregates in the New Millennium," Macroeconomic Dynamics 28 (1), 2024, January, 51-73.
Adrian Fleissig, Barry Jones, and Zsolt Darvas, "Euro Area Monetary Asset Demand and Divisia Aggregates," European Journal of Finance 29 (16), 2023, 1885-1912.
Adrian Fleissig and Barry Jones, "U.K. Household-Sector Money Demand during Brexit and the Pandemic," Economic Modelling 123 (June), 2023.
Richard Anderson, John Duca, Adrian Fleissig and Barry Jones, “New Monetary Services (Divisia) Indexes for the Post-War U.S.,” Journal of Financial Stability 42, 2019, 3-17.
Adrian Fleissig and Barry Jones, “The Impact of Commercial Sweeping on the Demand for Monetary Assets during the Great Recession,” Journal of Macroeconomics 45, 2015, 412-422.
Richard Anderson, Marcelle Chauvet and Barry Jones, “Nonlinear Relationship between Permanent and Transitory Components of Monetary Aggregates and the Economy," Econometric Reviews 34 (1-2), 2015, 228-254. [WP version: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper # 2013-018A, May 2013.]
Richard Anderson and Barry Jones, “A Comprehensive Revision of the U.S. Monetary Services (Divisia) Indexes”, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 93 (5), Sept./Oct., 2011, 325-360.
Jane Binner, Rakesh Bissoondeeal, Barry Jones and Andrew Mullineux, “Household-Sector Money Demand for the UK,” Manchester School 78 (s1), 2010, 90-113.
Jane Binner, Thomas Elger, Barry Jones and Birger Nilsson, “Inflation Forecasting, Relative Price Variability and Skewness,” Applied Economics Letters 17 (6), 2010, 593-596.
Richard Anderson, Jane Binner, Barry Jones, Graham Kendell, Jon Tepper, and Peter Tino, “Does Money Matter in Inflation Forecasting?” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 389 (21), 2010, 4793-4808. DOI: [WP version: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper # 2009-030B, June 2009.]
David Edgerton and Barry Jones, “Testing Utility Maximization with Measurement Errors in the Data,” Measurement Error: Consequences, Applications and Solutions, Jane Binner, David Edgerton and Thomas Elger (eds.), Advances in Econometrics 24, 2009, 199-236.
Jane Binner, Rakesh Bissoondeeal, Thomas Elger, Barry Jones and Andrew Mullineux, “Admissible Monetary Aggregates for the Euro Area,” Journal of International Money and Finance 28 (1), 2009, 99-114.
Barry Jones and Livio Stracca, “Does Money Matter in the IS Curve: The Case of the UK,” Manchester School 76 (s1), 2008, 58-84. [WP version: ECB Working Paper # 904, June 2008]
Donald Dutkowsky, Thomas Elger, Adrian Fleissig and Barry Jones, “Monetary Policy and Monetary Asset Substitution,” Economics Letters 99 (1), 2008, 18-22.
Thomas Elger and Barry Jones, “Can Rejections of Weak Separability be Attributed to Random Measurement Errors in the Data,” Economics Letters 99 (1), 2008, 44-47.
Donald Dutkowsky, Thomas Elger, Adrian Fleissig and Barry Jones, “Retail Sweep Programs and Monetary Asset Substitution,” Economics Letters 99 (1), 2008, 159-163.
Barry Jones and Travis Nesmith, “Linear Cointegration of Nonlinear Time Series with an Application to Interest Rate Dynamics,” Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 12 (1) Article 6, 2008.
Jane Binner, David Edgerton, Thomas Elger and Barry Jones, “A Note on the Optimal Level of Monetary Aggregation in the United Kingdom,” Macroeconomic Dynamics 12 (1), 2008, 117-131.
Barry Cynamon, Donald Dutkowsky and Barry Jones, “Redefining the Monetary Aggregates: A Clean Sweep,” Eastern Economic Journal 32 (4), 2006, 661-672. Link
Barry Cynamon, Donald Dutkowsky and Barry Jones, “U.S. Narrow Money for the Twenty-First Century,” Economic Inquiry 44 (1), 2006, 142-152.
Thomas Elger, Barry Jones and Birger Nilsson, “Forecasting with Monetary Aggregates: Recent Evidence for the United States,” Journal of Economics and Business 58, 2006, 428-446.
Barry Jones and Philippe de Peretti, “A Comparison of Two Methods for Testing the Utility Maximization Hypothesis when Quantity Data are Measured with Error,” Macroeconomic Dynamics 9 (5), 2005, 612-629.
Donald Dutkowsky, Thomas Elger and Barry Jones, “Sweep Programs and Optimal Monetary Aggregation,” Journal of Banking and Finance 29 (2), 2005, 483-508.
Donald Dutkowsky, Thomas Elger, David Edgerton and Barry Jones, “Toward a Unified Approach to Testing for Weak Separability,” Economics Bulletin 3 (20), 2005. Link
Gabriel Asaftei, Barry Jones and Lian Wang, “Welfare Cost of Inflation in a General Equilibrium Model with Currency and Interest-Bearing Deposits,” Macroeconomic Dynamics 8 (4), 2004, 493-517.
Richard Anderson, Barry Jones and Travis Nesmith, “Introduction to the St. Louis Monetary Services Index Project,” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 79 (1), Jan./Feb., 1997, 25-30. [Reprinted in The Theory of Monetary Aggregation, North Holland, 2000.]
Richard Anderson, Barry Jones and Travis Nesmith, “Monetary Aggregation Theory and Statistical Index Numbers,” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 79 (1), Jan./Feb., 1997, 31-52.
Richard Anderson, Barry Jones and Travis Nesmith, “Building New Monetary Services Indexes: Concepts, Data and Methods,” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 79 (1), Jan./Feb., 1997, 53-82.
Book Chapters
David Edgerton, Barry Jones and Nadine McCloud, “Non-Parametric Tests of the Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Separability,” Functional Structure Inference, William Barnett and Apostolos Serletis (eds.), International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics 18, 2007, 33-56.
William Barnett, Barry Jones, Milka Kirova and Travis Nesmith, “The Nonlinear Skeletons in the Closet,” Money, Measurement, and Computation, Palgrave Macmillan, Michael Belongia and Jane Binner (eds.), 2006, 9-42.
William Barnett, Barry Jones and Travis Nesmith, “Time Series Cointegration Tests and Non-Linearity,” Nonlinear Econometric Modeling in Time Series, William Barnett, David Hendry, Svend Hylleberg, Timo Terasvirta, Dag Tjostheim and Allen Wurtz (eds.), International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics 11, 2000, 9-30. [Reprinted in Functional Structure and Approximation in Economics, North Holland, 2004.]
William Barnett, Barry Jones and Travis Nesmith, “Divisia Second Moments,” Monetary Policy: International Strategies, Nicholas Mercuro, James Swofford and Gerald Whitney (eds.), International Review of Comparative Public Policy 8, 1996, 115-138.
Encyclopedia Entries and Short Essays
Jane Binner, Huw Dixon, Barry Jones, and Jon Tepper, "A Neural Network Approach to forecasting Inflation," Box A, National Institute UK Economic Outlook, Spring 2024. (
Richard Anderson and Barry Jones, “Liquidity Crises in the Small and the Large,” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Synopses, 2011, Number 34. Also, appeared as the cover page for Monetary Trends, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, November 2011.
Barry Jones, “Price Indices,” in William A. Darity Jr. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd Edition, Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008, 447-450.
Barry Jones, “Quantity Indexes,” in William A. Darity Jr. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd Edition, Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008, 656-659.
Unpublished Working Papers
Barry Jones and Livio Stracca, “Are Money and Consumption Additively Separable in the Euro Area? A Non-parametric Approach,” ECB Working Paper # 704, Dec. 2006. Link
Awards / Honors
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service, 2023.
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2014.
Leverhulme Fellowship, Aston University, 2007.
Daniel J. Hoffman Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Economics, Binghamton University, 2002.
Dean’s Research Semester Award, Binghamton University, 2001.
Brookings Research Fellowship, The Brookings Institution, 1998-1999.
Hyman P. Minsky Prize, Economics, Washington University, 1997.
Harold Barnett Memorial Scholarship, Economics, Washington University, 1994.
William J. McKinstry Award, Economics, Miami University, 1993.
Alumni Senior Prize, Mathematics and Statistics, Miami University, 1993.
Departmental Honors, Mathematics and Statistics, Miami University, 1993.
Corwin Smith Prize, Mathematics and Statistics, Miami University, 1992.
Peat Marwick Scholars Award, Golden Key National Honor Society, 1991.
Professional Activities
Editorial Service
Editorial Board, Journal of Business and Economic Studies, Northeast Business and Economics Association, Feb. 2023 - present
Conference Organization
Program Committee (Macroeconomics), 2024 Eastern Economic Association Annual Meetings
Program Committee (Macroeconomics), 2023 Eastern Economic Association Annual Meetings
Invited Seminars
Aston University (twice), The Bank of England, The Brookings Institution, Cardiff University, The European Central Bank (twice), The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, The Federal Reserve Board, Florida International University, John Carroll University, Kent State University, Lund University (twice), Purdue University, Statistics Norway, Syracuse University, Wesleyan University, West Virginia University, University at Albany, University of Texas at Dallas
American Economic Review, The B.E. Journals – Topics in Macroeconomics, Bulletin of Economic Research, Economic Inquiry, Econometric Reviews, Empirical Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Economics and Business, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Macroeconomic Dynamics
Acknowledged Textbook Reviews
D. Weil, Economic Growth, Addison Wesley.
A. Abel, B. Bernanke and D. Croushore, Macroeconomics, Addison Wesley.
F. Mishkin, Macroeconomics: Policy and Practice, Prentice Hall.
O. Blanchard and D. Johnson, Macroeconomics, Prentice Hall.
Principles of Macroeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, Advanced Macroeconomics, International Money and Finance, Economic Growth, Honors Research Design (J.C. Liu Honors program), Macroeconomic Theory (MA level), Macroeconomic Theory I and 2 (PhD level), Monetary Economics (PhD level), Seminar on Teaching of College Economics
Student Supervision
Dissertations Supervised
Man Jin (co-advisor), “Flexible Functional Forms and Substitutability of Monetary Assets: Evidence from China”, 2016. Initial placement: Oakland University (Currently: Associate Professor).
Diego Restrepo-Tobon (co-advisor), “Measuring Efficiency using a Composite Non-Standard Profit Function Approach: The Case of U.S. Banks”, 2013. Initial placement: Universidad EAFIT ( Currently: Dean, Universidad EIA).
Fred Donatelli, “Forecasting Inflation with Nonlinear Models”, 2009. Initial Placement: American Express (Currently, Chief Risk Officer, CFSB).
Young Jin Ro, “The Role of Risky U.S. Monetary Aggregates”, 2007. Initial Placement: Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (Currently: Assistant Professor, Dong-A University).
Lian Wang, “The Welfare Cost of Inflation in Generalized General Equilibrium Models”, 2006. Initial Placement: Bank of America (Currently: Senior Vice President, HSBC).
Gabriel Asaftei (co-advisor), “Essays on Financial Intermediation”, 2004. Initial Placement: University of Richmond (Currently: Partner, McKinsey).
Dissertation Committee Member
Muhammad Imam Hussain, "Monetary Policy Regime and Overnight Rate: Evidence from Bangladesh", in progress.
Shivi Kalra, “Modeling Social Learning as Epidemics using Twitter Data”, in progress.
Xiang Xu, “Three Essays on the Chinese Economy”, 2018.
Yanyang Ji, “The Government Spending Multiplier and the Zero Lower Bound”, 2017.
Kyle Kelley, “The Declining Role of Oil Price Shocks on Wage Inflation: Does Improved Anchoring of Inflation Expectations or Reduced Real Wage Rigidity Explain the Decline?”, 2014.
Emir Malikov, “Essays on Economics of Banking and Credit Union Industries”, 2014.
Kai Sun, “Essays on Non/Semi-parametric Models with Microeconomic Applications”, 2011.
Birol Kannik, “News, Housing Prices, and Monetary Policy”, 2010.
Yi-Tsung Wu, “Essays on International Investment Holdings and Risk Sharing”, 2007.
Daria Sevastianova, “Does Conflict Disrupt Growth? Evidence on Sociopolitical Variables in the Empirical Growth Models”, 2007.
Yu Zhu, “Exogenous Factors that Determine International Capital Flows and their Composition: The Evidence”, 2005.
Ruzima Charles Sebuharara, “Financial Liberalization and Transmission of Monetary Policy in Developing Countries: The Cases of Ghana and Kenya”, 2005.
Senanu Asamoah, “Essays on Institutional Development, Financial Development and Economic Growth”, 2003.
Richard Stahl, “Exploring Federal Reserve Credibility”, 2001.
Outside Examiner
Huei-Jyun Ye, "Deals to be Determined: Domestic Political Uncertainties and Trade Negotiations", Political Science, Binghamton University, 2023.
Patrick Jeffery, “Who Matters Most: Determining the Differing Contributions of Congressional Sources on Polarization”, Political Science, Binghamton University, 2019.
Eric Moore, “Unravelling the Scholarly Inconsistency around Electoral Reforms through Disaggregation”, Political Science, Binghamton University, 2018.
Libo Xu, “Three Essays on Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics”, Economics, University of Calgary, 2017.
Jennifer K. Emery, “Finding Common Enemies: Social Groups as Shortcuts to Partisanship”, Political Science, Binghamton University, 2012.
Per Hjertstrand, “Testing for Rationality, Separability and Efficiency”, Economics, Lund University, 2008.
Jeffrey Forrester, “Covariate-matched Estimator of the Error Variance in Nonparametric Regression”, Mathematical Sciences, Binghamton University, 2001.
Undergraduate Honors Theses Supervised
Lina Morse, "Applying the European Central Bank's Second Pillar to the United Kingdom: Can Money Supply be used as a Reference for Price Stability?", High Honors, 2023.
Ethan Feilich, “Divided We Fall? Exploring the Relationship between Economic Inequality and Recessions”, Highest Honors, 2014. Awarded the J.C. Liu Prize for Outstanding Honors Thesis.
Andrew Netter, “A VAR Model of the Swedish Economy”, High Honors, 2012. Awarded the J.C. Liu Prize for Outstanding Honors Thesis.
Nicolas Ries, “Race and Redistribution of Income in the U.S.”, High Honors, 2011. Awarded the J.C. Liu Prize for Outstanding Honors Thesis.
Jessica Lee, “Trade as a Factor in the Convergence of Total Factor Productivity in the OECD”, 2003.
Rakesh Makadia, “Economic Determinants on Health Insurance Coverage”, 2003.
Christine Pennock, “Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Sectional Analysis”, 2000.
Administrative and Leadership Positions
Member, Presidential Search Committee, Dec. 2024-present (*)
Chair, Faculty Senate Budget Review Committee (BRC), Binghamton University, Sept. 2020-present (**)
Chair, Arts and Sciences University Personnel Committee, 2022-23 (*), 2023-24 (*)
Co-chair, Search Committee, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Binghamton University, 2021-2022 (**)
Chair, Department of Economics, Binghamton University, 2016-2019 (*), 2019-2022 (*)
Chair, All-University Personnel Committee (AUPC), Binghamton University, 2020-21 (*)
Chair, Faculty Senate Executive Committee (FSEC), Binghamton University, Sept. 2018-Aug. 2020 (*)
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Economics, Binghamton University, 2013-15
Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies, Economics, Binghamton University, 2008-09
(*) denotes elected position, (**) denotes appointment by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
Departmental Service
Comprehensive Examination Committee, Economics, Binghamton University, 2000-2007, 2009-2013
Executive Committee, Economics, Binghamton University, 1999-2001, 2005-2007, 2013-2015 (ex officio), 2016-2022 (Chair)
Graduate Committee, Economics, Binghamton University, 1999-2002, 2004-05, 2006-07, 2016-2022 (ex officio)
Graduate Recruiting, Economics, Binghamton University, 2004-05
Graduate Student Placement, Economics, Binghamton University, 2012-13
Honors Program Committee, Economics, Binghamton University, 2004-2007
J.C. Liu Honors Program Coordinator, Economics, Binghamton University, 2016-2022
PhD Workshop Coordinator, Economics, Binghamton University, 2012-13
Search Committee, Economics, Binghamton University, 1999-00, 2000-01, 2002-03, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2013-14 (Chair), 2014-15, 2022-23 (Chair)
Seminar Series, Economics, Binghamton University, 2001-2003
Supervisor of Graduate Student TAs and Instructors, Economics, Binghamton University, 2009-2012
Undergraduate Committee, Economics, Binghamton University, 2008-09, 2013-2015 (Chair), 2015-16, 2016-2022 (ex officio), 2023-24
University Service
Academic Standards Committee, Harpur College, Binghamton University, 2012-13
All-University Personnel Committee (AUPC), 2020-2021 (*), 2022-2024 (*)
Binghamton University Covid-19 Crisis Management Team (BUCCMT), March-Aug. 2020
Binghamton University Social Sciences Experimental Lab (Member, Governing Board), 2019-present
Campus Governance Leader (CGL), Sept. 2016-present
CIW Faculty Fellow, Binghamton University, Sept. 2017-May 2021
Vice Provost's Enrollment Liaison Committee, Binghamton University, 2019-2024
Faculty Senate, Binghamton University, 2002-03, 2014-15, 2016-20, 2023-25 (*)
Faculty Senate Executive Committee (FSEC), Binghamton University, 2014-15, 2016-2020 (*), 2020-2024 (ex officio), 2024-2026 (*)
Faculty Senate Budget Review Committee (BRC), Binghamton University, 2016 –2018, 2018-2020 (ex officio), 2020-present
Harpur College Council, Binghamton University, 2009-10
Harpur Internal Awards Committee, 2016-17
Harpur Task Force to Examine Chair and Director Compensation (Chair), Fall 2018
Joint Provost-Faculty Senate Graduate Curriculum Process Review Committee, 2020-21
New Chair's Workshop Steering Committee, 2021
New Department Chair Orientation, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Philosophy, Politics & Law (PPL) Advisory Committee, 2018-present
Restarting Binghamton Steering Committee and Return to Normal Graduate Committee, Spring and Summer 2020
Roadmap Steering Committee, Strategic Priority 3, Inclusive Campus (Diversity), 2018-20
Roadmap Steering Committee, Strategic Priority 5, Strategic Investments, Sept. 2020-present
Senior Officers Group Plus (SOG+), Binghamton University, Sept. 2018- Aug. 2020
Steering Committee, Poverty & Inequality Working Group, Binghamton University, 2017-18
Steering Committee, Sustainable Communities TAE, Binghamton University, 2014-2017
Curriculum and Transfer Pathways Working Group, SUNY Transfer Task Force, 2023-24
Senator, University Faculty Senate, SUNY, 2016-2019 (*)
Sector Representative (University Centers) and Executive Committee Member, University Faculty Senate, SUNY, 2018-19 (*)
Moderator, Final review of SUNY Transfer Path for Economics, SUNY, 2014
Reviewer, Department of Economics, Kent State University, 2015
Economics Advisory Board (EAB), Miami University, Oxford OH, June 2024-present
Grants / Funded Projects
Funded Projects
“Estimating Elasticities: Parametric and non-parametric applications to money demand systems and consumer heterogeneity”, 2013-2016, Jan Wallanders and Tom Hedelius Foundation, PI: Professor David Edgerton, Lund University. Total funding: 893,000 SEK of which my portion was 225,000 SEK. The grant funded my visits to Lund University during the summers of 2013, 2014 and 2015.
“Testing for Rationality and Weak Separability” and “Developing and Evaluating Separability Tests”, 2004-2007 and 2008-2010 respectively, Jan Wallanders and Tom Hedelius Foundation, PI: Professor David Edgerton, Lund University. Total combined funding: 3,353,000 SEK of which my portion was 464,000 SEK. The grant funded my visit to Lund University during my sabbatical in 2008 as well as visits during the summers of 2004, 2007, 2009 and the winter of 2011.
“Social Science Experimental Suite (SSeS)”, 2017, Roadmap Proposal, David Clark, Barry Jones, and Andreas Pape. Named a Divisional Initiative by President Stenger ( Approximately $100,000 including initial seed money.
Smaller Grants
Visiting Scholar Fund, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ($2,500 each year).
Visiting Scholar Fund, Aston University, 2004 (£2,800).
Pump Priming Fund, Aston University, 2005 and 2007 (£5,000 each year).
Fraternal Organizations
Delta, Sigma, Pi, Binghamton University, Inducted (as a faculty member) May 2010.