Binghamton Research Days Student Presentations


Acculturative Stress and Substance Use Among Chinese International Students

Liam Lane (Senior, Anthropology)

Mentor: J. Koji Lum, Anthropology

Substance use among domestic US college students has been studied at length, but research surrounding substance use among international students in the US remains minimal. Many international students experience acculturative stress (commonly known as "culture shock") and how students cope with this stress is a topic of interest in promoting their well-being. This research focuses on Chinese international students, in particular, as this demographic is one of the largest international populations on US college campuses. Considering the increased availability of substances to students in the US, Chinese international students may turn to substance use as an outlet for their experienced acculturative stress. This study reports preliminary findings from a larger study assessing the relationship between acculturative stress of Chinese international students and overall well-being .