
Overarching Competencies

Technological Facility: I moved from developing to performing/transforming. I used current platforms to create innovative resources for teachers to use and engage diverse learners (see evidence F and I). I used multiple platforms to create digital "promotion cards", something we usually do in person each school year, but were unable to this year. I held online trainings to assist teachers in creating innovative and engaging materials for students. I created tracking forms to keep track of distance learning that were used school wide by several different schools in my district. One resource and tutorial I created was used by over 1500 teachers worldwide.

Continuing Learning and Education: I moved from developing to performing. I designed and led trainings for staff members (See evidence D and K). I also created tutorials for using google tools in innovative ways and those were shared internationally via youtube and facebook. I also improved my own learning and education by becoming seesaw, screencastify and edpuzzle certified. Below are certifications I have obtained and a professional technology group I participated in and collaborated with.

Evidence N

Foundational Competency

Explore and Challenge Inequity: I moved from emerging to developing/performing. I joined and participated in global online teacher communities to broaden my perspectives. I created resources while keeping diverse cultures and abilities in mind. I created resources for other teachers to use and assisted them in making needed adjustments to fit the needs of their diverse student populations. I spoke to other teachers about the need for differentiation in our approach to distance learning for different students and families particularly in regards to privileges that some have (See evidence F, H, I and J) .

Instructional Competency

Coaching and Mentoring: I moved from developing to performing. Prior to this school year I had only worked in this capacity with a few teachers in my building. By the end of this school year I was creating tutorials that were being used by a global community of teachers as well as hosting whole-staff trainings during COVID-19 school closures (see evidence F, J, K and L) . I also trained a few people on our school staff to help others implement different technology platforms, and I created multiple resources that were shared district-wide.

Sharing Templates for District Use

These templates were sent out to the district to assist teachers during distance learning, to help them communicate with parents what their child should be working on throughout the week! I created one to be shared with and used by 3rd grade.

How did the TLI experience--both curriculum and Capstone project—impact your growth as a teacher leader in each of your four chosen competencies? What evidence supports each of your claims?

Technology was and still is a passion of mine. I had used technology in innovative ways in my own classroom, but I had not shared any of this beyond my teaching team. I was dedicated to improving my understanding of technology but did not have the confidence to share what I was learning with others beyond a few people. Participating in TLI helped me to expand that. I began to host trainings for my entire school staff, resources I created were not just used by myself or my two teaching partners but were shared and used district and in some cases even worldwide by teachers. I dedicated time to creating informational material for teachers and parents during school closures to help ensure that students were getting equitable access to teaching materials. I created tutorials that were used by trainers in other school district, teachers and parents as we navigated school closures!

What are your next steps to continue your growth as a teacher leader?

As we move into this school year with so much unknown I will continue the work I have started. I am still creating tutorials for teachers in global online communities I am a part of. I have upcoming appointments to work one-on-one with teachers who will be remote teaching to set up their online classrooms (see evidence M). I also want to continue my own development by becoming google level II certified, and expanding my knowledge about which online platforms are best for certain subjects. Lastly, I will be working on my own website that will be a hub of useful templates for teachers to use in their own classrooms.

Evidence N

I am setting up meetings with teachers who will most likely be remote teaching this school year to help them get set up!

What was the most valuable part of the TLI process for you?

I was pushed outside of my comfort zone to publish materials and host trainings for larger numbers of people. I was able to take a passion I had, and use it to create resources for others that were very necessary during a difficult and unprecedented school year. I could not have imagined at the beginning of this school year that my materials and resources would be used by other districts for training purposes by the end of the year. In this I gained confidence, and in participating in multiple district-wide and world wide professional groups I was able to be a part of discussions about privilege, culture, and community in ways that would not have been possible otherwise.