We are dedicated to fostering a deep understanding and appreciation of Indigenous cultures, histories, and perspectives. Our goal is to support educators in creating inclusive learning environments that honor Indigenous heritage and contributions. Here, you will find resources, materials, and professional development opportunities to enhance your teaching and enrich your students' learning experiences. We are committed to building strong teacher leaders and promoting cultural awareness within our schools and communities.

Welcome to our pages dedicated to the contemporary context and culture of current events in Indigenous issues. In an ever-evolving world, Indigenous communities continue to navigate complex challenges while championing their rights, cultures, and traditions. From legal battles over land and resource rights to revitalizing languages and preserving cultural heritage, Indigenous peoples are at the forefront of shaping their futures and strengthening their communities.

These pages aim to shed light on the pivotal issues facing Indigenous communities today, offering insights into their struggles, triumphs, and ongoing efforts for justice and equity. Through stories, news updates, and cultural perspectives, we explore how Indigenous peoples are influencing contemporary society and advocating for a more inclusive and respectful world.Join us as we delve into the current events shaping Indigenous realities, highlighting the voices, resilience, and vibrant cultures of Indigenous communities across the United States

We advocate for a sprinkling approach that involves integrating Indigenous education throughout the year rather than relegating it to isolated lessons or events. Teachers are encouraged to anchor their curriculum with central Indigenous lessons and supplement them continuously with resources and background provided here. With support educators can seamlessly integrate Indigenous culture and history into their specific subjects, promoting a cohesive and inclusive curriculum. This method ensures that Indian Education for All becomes an integral part of learning rather than an additional task or something done once a year. We also aim to deepen everyone's understanding of the diversity among modern tribal members in Montana and bring Indigenous cultural experiences to the rest of Montana.

These three pages for elementary, middle, and high school provide materials and resources specifically tailored to the School District 2 curriculum. By using these pages, teachers in our district can ensure their standards, content, and grade levels are properly aligned.

All new teachers to school district 2 are required to take IEFA Level 1 Training.  Find available dates for the upcoming school year here or on Midas.

These pages are dedicated to building teacher leaders and providing year-round professional development for educators. Although we do not typically offer professional development for external organizations, you can find links to our partners on the professional development page. The IEFA Infusion Symposium site focuses on developing teacher leaders in our schools and collaborating with programs to enhance the capacity for teacher leaders with our educational partners in School District 2. 

Teachers learn and create IEFA plans and infusion tasks, then they share during professional development during a six-hour cross-curriculum training during the summer. This site has several lessons created by our teachers.  These lessons are included in several places throughout our site. 

 Here, you will find a curated collection of lessons, websites, and resources designed to provide comprehensive background information for teachers and students. We continuously update this page to ensure you have access to the most current and relevant materials. Again, we encourage teachers to explore the Indigenous Family Information site. There you will find information about our latest celebrations for our students and in our community. 



Calli Rusche-Nicholson


(406) 281-5071



Carolyn Rusche


(406) 281-5071

Middle and High School Coach

Jacie Jeffers

Little Shell/Metis

(406) 281-5121

Use this form below to request materials.  If you are in High School, please ask you department head before filling out the form for IEFA Novels. 

Coming Soon!

Schedule a meeting with your coach