What Does a School Counselor Do?

The Role of the School Counselor at BIA 

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you.  I am the K-8 School Counselor here at BIA Charter School. 

My involvement with the students takes place in several ways.  One of my functions as the  school counselor is to implement whole-school prevention programs, such as, bully prevention education, character education, drug and alcohol awareness, and career education.  These lessons generally take place with the entire class within each grade level.

Another one of my functions as the school counselor is to facilitate student groups.  Groups usually consist of 3-6 students that meet with me weekly.  Each group is usually focused on one topic, such as, grief, social skills, friendship or coping with family changes.   Focused groups will be developed according to the needs of the students.

All students have the opportunity to meet with me, as needed.  Students grades 3-8 may fill out a student referral form to see me and I will schedule with their teacher to meet with them during their non-instructional time. Students K-2 may ask their teacher if they may meet with me during non-instructional time.   In addition, I also meet individually with students whom would benefit from short term intervention based school counseling (non clinical).

I am also the 504 coordinator here at BIA. I am responsible for overseeing the implementation, review and coordination of 504 plans. I am also the coordinator for Social Emotional Learning through daily application of Second Step. 

Lastly, I am available to meet with parents.  As needed, I can meet with parents individually to discuss specific concerns or to serve as a liaison for families needing community or clinical counseling resources. I often collaborate with local practitioners such as psychologists, licensed counselors and social workers, and medical doctors to help meet the clinical mental health needs of students.

Please feel free to contact me at 770-538-1543 if you have any questions or concerns.


Cynthia Bogues, Ed.S.