District Honor Code

We, the faculty, administrators, and Student Council representatives, encourage all students to achieve at the highest level of their abilities with academic honesty and personal integrity. Students should cultivate a positive attitude toward learning, derive pleasure from the discovery of new ideas and concepts, and strive to gain the best education they can. In the words of Thomas Paine, "What we obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly; 'tis dearness only that gives everything its value."
The Academic Honor Code has been created to establish a common understanding among staff, students, and parents as to what constitutes cheating. The penalties are intended to promote growth in character and not simply to punish students.
To promote academic honesty, we encourage a sense of fair play with credit sought only when it is deserved. The Honor Code serves as a guide to uphold academic honesty.
To promote personal integrity, we remind students of the proverb, "A good name is sooner lost than won." Treasure your reputation. It is easier to maintain a good one than it is to regain a lost one.

Homework is assigned as a means of reinforcing classroom instruction and is often used as an indicator of student comprehension or progress.

Honor Code violations

Penalties may include the following but are not limited to the following:

Obtaining help from your classmates or giving help to classmates prior to or during a test or quiz is considered cheating.

Honor Code violations:

Depending upon the severity of the violation, the penalties may include but are not limited to the following:

Research Papers and Essays
Plagiarism is the act of stealing, using, and passing off as one's own the writing, ideas, etc. of another. Properly document the sources of information used for your research paper and essays so that you will not be guilty of plagiarism.

Honor Code violations:

Depending upon the severity of the violation, the penalties may include but are not limited to the following:

Lab Reports
While you may work in the lab with a partner and each of you will have the same data, the remaining sections of the lab report should be your own work. This includes any computations, graphs, diagram, and conclusion questions.

Honor Code violations:

Depending upon the severity or the violation, the penalties may include but are not limited to the following:

Depending upon the violation, the penalties may include but are not limited to the following:

Misuse of the LMC computers and materials deprives others of access to needed sources of information.

Honor Code violations:

Depending upon the violation, the penalties may include but are not limited to the following:

Computer Labs:
Computers are provided for student use to enhance learning. The word "computer" includes all equipment associated with the computer, such as monitors, keyboards, all connecting wires, scanners, printers, switch boxes, etc.

Honor Code violations:

Depending upon the violation, the penalties may include but are not limited to the following:

Use of Calculators:
Calculators may be used in a class only with the permission of the instructor. During a test or a quiz, it is best not to share calculators.

Honor Code violations:

Depending upon the violation, the penalties may include but are not limited to the following: