Trade & Tech Programs


What is Tech?

Tech programs are set up for the tactile learners. Those who learn best when they actually experience it. If you like project based learning and love to actually make products, Tech is for you! Tech provides opportunities for all pathways workplace, apprenticeship, college and university. There is emphasis on what you will actually use whether you decide to continue the study in that area or simply  own a home, own an automobile, throw a party, or just live life in general. The skills you learn in tech classes are part of your toolbox for life. Tech has a course for everyone!

Laura tech.MOV

Tech with Laura

Grade 10 student

Portfolio (Jan 15, 2021 at 2_55 PM).MOV

Tech with Ryan

Grade 12 student

Skills Competitions

Welding Joint Venture

Milton, ON: The CWB Welding Foundation, Bruce Power, Bluewater District School Board (BWDSB), Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board (BGCDSB) and UA Canada are announcing an innovative partnership to help local youth access apprenticeships and careers. This collaboration will enhance welding education for secondary school students, forge pathways to good jobs in the welding trade, and develop the skilled welders required to fulfill Bruce Power’s future workforce needs...>>

See here to read more

UA Welding Camp

OYAP, UA Canada, Bruce Power and CWB Foundation came together to organize the first welding camp in the area July 5-9. Ten graduating students from Bruce Grey Catholic and Bluewater school boards were invited to the week long welding camp at the Bruce Power Training Center. These students have shown an interest in welding throughout high school and worked to move to the next level and explore the possibilities in a welding career. We look forward to this continued relationship to expose and train students for a career in welding.

Pictured are Heidi Allen and Damon Grien with head instructor and UA member Ray Lemieux

2023 Graduating Tech Students

With a successful year behind us Tech graduates received a record amount of bursaries and scholarships to further their aspirations into the trades and post secondary education. The Tech department awarded over $15,000 in bursaries and scholarships in 2023. From the staff in Tech we wish all graduates all the best in their future! Many thanks to the sponsors who recognize the importance of the trades and give back to our community.

Read below for sponsors and recipients of the tech awards: 


Construction Specialist High Skills Major


Manufacturing Specialist High Skills Major

Justin Dillon

Joshua Dosman

Parker Elphick 

Alex Ernewein

Ben Heerema

Tori Hopcraft

Corey Lacey

Amber MacMillan

Gil Schumacher

Nick Ward

Landon Young

 Logan Young