Welcome to Fifth Grade!

This week, science model projects are due! We have been working hard on our written portion in class the last few weeks. Any unfinished portions, including final drafts, will need to be completed outside of class. Students will turn in their whole folder, along with their completed project by Friday 5/3. There are photos of example projects from past years if students need inspiration located on the long term projects page. 

This week will be our final week of reading and math tutoring for this school year.      

BFCS is hosting a family fun night at the Diamondbacks game on May 17. Tickets are $29 and can be purchased here: https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/bfcsaz24. In order to sit with the BFCS group, be sure to purchase tickets by May 3. Optional t-shirts are being sold for the event as well and can be ordered here: https://forms.gle/6qZuYYQtuj2EnCNj6. Payment for shirts can be made through MySchoolBucks account. 

Important Dates

5/3 - Science Model Project Due

5/10 - Muffins with Mom 7:30-8

5/17 - BFCS D-backs Game

Virtue of the Month

Humility: knowing that I am not perfect

Weekly Quote

"Be humble, hungry, and the hardest worker in the room." -Dwayne Johnson