Earth Day

April 22, 2020 is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Earth Day Network has organized 24 hours of action in a global digital mobilization to fill the digital landscape with global conversations, calls to action, performances, video teach-ins and more. Pick some activities below to engage in Earth Day!

Watch: 50 Voices for the Planet

This video shows people all over the world speaking about the importance of Earth Day 2020. You can watch more videos in this playlist.

What are some points that stick with you? Which speakers were most interesting or compelling to you? Why -- was it because of who they were or because of their message, or both?

Ver: Español

Alcalde de Lima, Jorge Muñoz: 50 voces para el planeta

Visão: Português

Prefeito de Lima, Jorge Muñoz: 50 vozes para o planeta

Explore: Earth Day Network

Earth Day Network is the organizer of the Earth Day celebration. Learn more about them. Hint: click on About Us and Our Work

Who is Earth Day Network and what do they do? Where are they active? What types of activities do they engage in? What else did you learn about the organization?

Attend: Earth Day events

Find an online event. They are happening all over the world! This year's celebration is all digital. Attend it live if you can, or see if there is information archived if it already happened.

What was the event and how did you pick it? What happened at it? What did you learn about? Who else was there?

Decide: How can you help?

How can YOU act, speak up, and stay engaged in helping our planet -- even while at home?

Check these suggestions or see some other ideas for during and after Earth Day or search online for some others yourself!

What are some activities that you could do all by yourself? With friends or family? As part of a bigger organization? What are you already doing?

Watch: Earth Day 1970-2020

Watch Earth Day 1970 - 2020: 50th Anniversary || Time Will Tell from the American Museum of Natural History.

You can also check out this Curated playlist of more short YouTube videos from AMNH.

What are some things that have changed since 1970? What are some things that are important to us now that people weren't thinking about in 1970?

Discover: History of Earth Day

Read this History Channel article to find out when and how Earth Day started 50 years ago, what they did and how it's changed. Learn more at the Earth Day Network.

What were some events that made people concerned about the environment then? How did Earth Day start? How have celebrations of Earth Day changed over the years?

Compare: Ads from 1970 & 2020

Compare this 1970 ad to a 2020 ad, both from The New York Times.

Read more about these ads

How are they similar and how are they different? What do they want you do to? Who are they trying to appeal to? How do they do it?

Listen: Earth Day Turns 50

Listen to this Living on Earth podcast and/or read the transcript. The host interviews the founder of the Earth Day Network.

What does he say the first Earth Day in 1970 was like? What is the "core purpose" of Earth Day now? How and why have plans for Earth Day 2020 changed?

Watch: 1970 News Broadcast

Watch Earth Day 1970 Part 1: Intro (from CBS News with Walter Cronkite).

You can watch more videos from this broadcast about the first Earth Day here.

What events or people or issues do they focus on in this broadcast? What is surprising to you? What concerns are the same and which ones are different from now?

En Español

Get Outside: In Your Backyard

There are things you can do right in our own backyard or near your house!

What activity did you pick and why? How did you do it? What do you hope it achieves to help the earth?

View: Our Beautiful Earth

A photo-essay from NASA’s Earth Science Division - This e-book has amazing satellite images of the planet we call home from all over the globe.

You can also see Earth at Night from NASA.

Which images stuck with you the most? Why? Do they inspire you to take action to protect the earth?

Analyze: Political Cartoon

Look carefully at this cartoon:

Earth Day 2020 Report

What messages is the artist trying to communicate? What political viewpoints do you think the artist holds? Could you communicate this message in another format?

More Earth Day cartoons from past

Why are they message effective in this format?

Watch & Discuss: TV/Movies with your family

There are lots of great TV shows, documentaries and movies you can watch with your whole family about the Earth and nature on or after Earth Day.

25 Earth Day Movies on Netflix

Earth Day Lineups To Mark 50th Anniversary (BBC America, Disney+, Discovery)

What did you watch? What did you discuss during or after watching it? What images or information stuck with you the most? Who would you recommend this to?

Surf: Social Media Messages

How is Earth Day being discussed or celebrated online? Go on your favorite social media network, look for #EarthDay2020 or check:

Earth Day Network Instagram

Earth Day Network Twitter

Earth Day Network Facebook

What kind of information did you see or learn about? Was it an effective way to get information out there and why? What sorts of people or organizations have posted things with #EarthDay2020? Did you post anything?