Food Recovery & Donation - Potential New Working Group


Meeting Notes 

Click link above to see all Food Waste Diversion meeting notes and action items in chronological order

Date  Placeholder

Templates, Reports, Surveys & Data


Sodexo's Food Recovery & Donation Guide  Throwing away edible food wastes money and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions while much of this food could be used to feed hungry people.  The Food Recovery & Donation Guide shares Sodexo's food recovery journey and lessons learned in order to help other food service establishments build successful food recovery programs that are efficient, effective, and safe.

Food Donation Improvement Act  The Food Donation Improvement Act will help to clarify some of the ambiguous terms in the Emerson Act, promote awareness of the Act, and extend liability protection to support modern food donation. 

Food Share Table and Donation Guides for Schools  StopWaste works with school districts to implement district-wide food share and food donation programs to recover and redistribute K-12 edible surplus food.

MA School Meal Programs Share Table Guidance  Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Guidance for Share Tables and food safety

Share Table Letter from DESE to Schools  Department of Elementary and Secondary Education letter regarding the use of share tables

Food Link  Food Link is a community organization that envisions a world in which everyone has abundant nourishing food and a food system in which no edible food goes to waste. We rescue surplus fresh food that would otherwise be wasted and deliver it to community organizations serving people in need throughout Greater Boston.

MA Farm to School  Mass. Farm to School strengthens local farms and fisheries and promotes healthy communities by increasing local food purchasing and education at schools.