Emotional Wellness

Hi Girls!

Since I haven't seen you all in a while, I thought having these resources at your fingertips might be nice for some of you.

These topics are super relevant for what's going on in the world today, and sometimes all these things don't get properly addressed in group settings.

So, I figured, why not make it available on this platform, so you girls can utilize it as you see fit.

If there's a topic that you feel wasn't addressed, and you'd like to hear more about it, send me an email. I'll see what I can do :)

And as always- for individual and more personalized conversation, I, and the rest of the guidance team, are always available. We can respond via email, or schedule a time to talk.

Reach out anytime, ahirsch@bethrivkah.edu, and let me know who you'd like to connect with from the guidance department. I'll make sure it happens!

Hoping you're all safe and well.

Looking forward to the day we meet again in person!


Guidance Department:

Aliza Hirsch, LCSW

Mimi Fruchthandler, LMSW

Mushki Kaplan, LMSW

Danielle Rubin, LMSW

Miri Lundner, LMSW

Chana Rachmani, SWI