Online Confidentiality

Online Confidentiality Notice

In a commitment to protecting the privacy of Bethel School District students, the District complies with the requirements of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), and the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

As part of the District’s Distance Learning model, many of our teachers will be using Zoom, Google Classroom, ClassDojo, and Remind as a way to facilitate a connection with students, deliver tasks and assignments, and organize information for students. This could occur with individual students, in small groups, or with whole classrooms. Please note that through these programs, students participating will often be able to see each other’s names, faces, and student email addresses. Confidential, privileged, or personally identifiable information of the participants is legally protected from disclosure.

With live video feeds, we are unable to control who else may be in the room when a student is receiving these services remotely. The District expects that all families review and implement the following guidelines and expectations to ensure that the confidentiality rights of all students are protected when online systems are used:

  1. No recordings will be made or photos taken of virtual live sessions.

  2. Parents/Guardians shall make every effort to ensure that no one other than the participating student or parent/guardian scheduled to assist can see or hear the live virtual session. Of course, parents/guardians may sit in on lessons as if they were volunteering in a classroom.

  3. Your child may need assistance during lessons. If parental or other third-party involvement in a virtual live session is necessary to enable a student to participate, the individual assisting the student shall not re-disclose any personally identifiable information about any student participating.

  4. Participants should refrain from sharing stories about students and staff observed during Distance Learning activities.

  5. When participating in an online program, please be mindful of the educational environment and eliminate distractions that may divert the students’ attention away from learning.

Thank you for your support. Please contact your child’s teacher or principal with specific questions.