
Class Structure

Each class will be 50 minutes long. During every single class period, there will be about 30 minutes of teacher-led instruction and about 20 minutes of application time for students to work independently or in teams to apply the skills they learned.

At least once per day, students will have Zoom meetings (synchronous learning) with one of their classes. For every other class period that day, students will log into Google Classroom and interact with videos/presentations/guidance from teachers, completing learning tasks associated with the given class period (teachers will be available for two-way communication in order to support students learning) (first 30 minutes).

To make this as simple as possible, each content area will hold their Zooms on the same day each week (See sample student bell schedule for details, as well as sample Zoom schedule below).


  • Google Classroom: student will log-in to Google classroom at the identified times. See Family Guidance document for log-in directions. Daily attendance will be taken each class period.

  • Classroom Participation: once logged in, students will participate in lessons and complete learning tasks provided by their assigned teacher.

  • Office Hours/Intervention: available from 2:10-3:00pm daily, providing additional opportunity for academic support, work completion, etc.

  • Breakfast & Lunch: free, warm grab-and-go meals will be available in front of Cascade Tuesdays and Fridays between 12:25pm-1:25pm. At these times, students will also be provided multi-meal boxes to cover Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays meals.