To qualify for graduation, a student must be enrolled in a minimum of seven classes per semester.  Exceptions will be made for students who qualify under the approved criteria for special alternative programs or individualized programs approved by the high school administration.

A minimum of 25 Carnegie units must be attained. 

Public Act 17-42,  An Act Concerning Revisions to the High School Graduation Requirements, shifts state expectations to graduation requirements.  The requirements listed here are for the Class of 2023 and on.
Students must meet specific performance demonstration standards as identified. Students must also pass those courses that meet distribution requirements with a minimum grade of D- (60). Courses may count for one requirement only, if one credit in Robotics is used to meet the Digital Technology requirements, it may not be used to meet the Applied Studies requirement. 


The District Academic Performance Expectations are defined in general terms and students shall have the opportunity to demonstrate competency in one of the several formats.
Reading, Writing, Science, and Mathematics and Performance Expectations
Summary of Performance ExpectationsA. Reading and Writing:  Students shall develop and communicate informed opinions and logical arguments by interpreting and evaluating literary and informational texts across the disciplines.B. Science:  Students shall apply core content knowledge and scientific reasoning and communication skills in order to understand the natural world.C. Mathematics:  Students shall apply algebraic reason, numerical, and proportional reasoning, geometry and measurement, and probability and statistics skills to solve real-world mathematical problems.
Demonstration of Performance ExpectationsA. Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines:  The student shall meet the Reading and Writing standards for achievement as defined by the district in the handbooks.
  • Meet standard on the Bethel High School Literacy Assessment, OR
  • Achieve a standard of performance on the Advanced Placement English Literature or Advanced Placement English Language Assessment, OR
  • Meet standard on a mastery examination approved by the State Board of Education or another like standardized assessment in the area of literacy, OR
  • Successfully complete an approved remediation course within the English department.

B. Science: The student shall meet the science standards for achievement as defined by the district as described in the handbooks.
  • Meet standard on the Bethel High School Science Assessment, OR
  • Achieve a standard of performance on the Advanced Placement Science Assessment, OR
  • Meet standard on the Bethel High School Science Portfolio
  • Meet standard on a mastery examination approved by the State Board of Education or another like standardized assessment in the area of science, OR
  • Successfully complete a remediation course.

C. Mathematics: The student shall meet the mathematics standards for achievement as defined by the district as described in the handbooks.
  • Meet standard on the Bethel High School Mathematics Assessment, OR
  • Achieve a standard of performance on the Advanced Placement Mathematics Assessment, OR
  • Meet standard on the Bethel High School Math Portfolio, OR
  • Meet standard on a mastery examination approved by the State Board of Education or another like standardized assessment in the area of math, OR
  • Successfully complete a remediation course.
NotificationNotification of teachers: At the beginning of the school year the school counselors will provide the Department Chairperson (science, mathematics, English and social studies) the students who have not met  demonstration of Performance  Expectations. In conjunction with school counselors, the Department Chairs, parents and students will develop a plan for the student to demonstrate the Performance Expectation.
  • Notification of students: The school counselor will inform students who have not met demonstration of Performance Expectations at the beginning of the school year and clarify their plan relative to meeting the Performance Expectations for graduation from Bethel High School.
  • Notification of parents: Parents of students who have not met demonstration of Performance Expectations will be informed in writing of the plan to meet the Performance Expectations for graduation.

Special EducationSpecial education students may be exempt from district Performance Expectations for graduation if so indicated in their Individual Education Plan. However, the Board strongly encourages special education students for whom it is appropriate to register for those remediation courses offered by the content area departments.
English Language Learners (ELL) Any new registrant qualifying for ELL services is exempted from the district's Performance Expectations. However, the Board strongly encourages ELL students for whom it is appropriate to register for those remediation courses offered by the content area departments.
Implementation A student who has not met the Performance Expectations by the end of their senior year will not graduate. To obtain a Bethel High School diploma, the student must return for a fifth year and complete the Performance Expectations as outlined above.

"The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you."  

                                                                                                                    B.B. King