
BHS Databases: get your reliable information here! 

Scroll down to see the many databases offered by BHS. All databases are available for use at home, too. Click here for more information on remote/at home access (you will be asked to login to your Bethel G Suite for Education account to access database passwords).

Use "bethel" (all lowercase, no quotation marks) as password for Gale resources if requested.

Britannica School provides access to encyclopedia entries on a variety of topics in all subject areas. Use this resource to verify accuracy and reliability of Wikipedia entries or as a resource when conducting background research for projects or assignments. Visit this document for access information.

Helpful tutorials for this resource can be found at this link.

CultureGrams offers concise and accessible information about the countries of the world. This resource provides country reports that go beyond mere facts and figures to deliver a one-of-a-kind perspective on daily life and culture, including the background, customs, and lifestyles of the world's people.  Reports are written and reviewed by in-country experts and are updated as new information becomes available, so you can be sure the information is current and accurate.  Users link to the reports via an engaging, map-based interface that can be accessed anywhere, anytime. 

Rosen's Teen Health & Wellness is a great resource for course-based and real-life questions. Visit the TH&W "Calm Room" for videos, sounds, and resources to help you relax and refocus!

JSTOR (short for "Journal Storage") is a great resource for students in search of peer-reviewed academic/scholarly journal articles. JSTOR covers a number of subject areas (literary criticism, scientific research, etc.), so be sure to use the Advanced Search options to isolate your specific area of interest!

Provided by the State of CT Library, researchIT CT includes subject-specific and general database resources specifically aimed at high school students and secondary level teachers. Click here to access researchIT CT's Resources for High Schools page.

"The [CIA] World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities" (CIA). is a free online resource that compiles data and resources on a variety of current and controversial topics.

Visit the Library of Congress online for primary sources, digital collections, copyright information, and more! Teachers can also find lesson ideas and materials to help them utilize LOC resources.

Additional database resources are available via the Bethel Public Library - visit their website for more information and access!

"DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed [academic/scholarly] journals" (DOAJ).

The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) seeks to archive resources from libraries and organizations across the country and make them accessible online for a wider audience.

" searches over 60 databases and over 2,200 scientific websites to provide users with access to more than 200 million pages of authoritative federal science information including research and development results" ( Alliance).

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook provides career-related information that includes required education and/or training, average salaries, and job outlook. asks "What do you want to do for a living?" and then walks users through questions and resources about career options and training requirements.

STEM Careers Coalition presents profiles of different STEM-related career options. The Career Portal includes videos and written overviews of career descriptions, requirements, and opportunities.

WolframAlpha is a "computational knowledge engine" that uses available data to calculate statistical information about a wide variety of topics/subjects. Give it a try to see what you can learn today! 

The National Institute of Health's National Library of Medicine provides access to articles and recent developments related to medicine. Some articles may only be listed as abstracts - please contact Ms. Wismar in the LLC if interested in procuring a full-text article.

Our World in Data is a project based at the University of Oxford that works to present and visualize data related to world issues such as those related to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (and many more). Be sure to verify the data presented with multiple sources to ensure an equitable perspective/point of view.

The Oyez Project (maintained by the Illinois Institute of Technology's Chicago-Kent College of Law) is an unofficial archive of the Supreme Court of the United States. The site offers information about Supreme Court cases, history, and biographical information about current and past Supreme Court justices.

From the website: "Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research. We do not take policy positions."

The National Archives of the United States maintains print and digital records of national and governmental materials. The National Archives also provide educator materials to assist in using these primary resources with students and in the classroom.

Questions, concerns, suggestions? Contact Ms. Wismar, Library Media Specialist for information about LLC resources.