Information Literacy

What is information literacy?

"Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to 'recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information'" (ALA, 1989). In today's world, information literacy is even more important as students are confronted with information in many forms and from many sources. In order to prepare our students for their future lives and careers, information literacy is an integral element of education at BHS.

Topics covered in information literacy:

What is the role of the Library Media Specialist?

The library media specialist is a certified educator who works with teachers and students to develop information literacy skills and to instill a love of reading and literature. In addition, the library media specialist's responsibilities also include:

  • teaching research and online skills

  • assessing student understanding of information literacy concepts

  • maintaining library collection (including print and database resources)

  • maintaining library website and assisting teachers in technology implementation

  • supervising daily functions of Library Learning Commons

  • collaborating with teachers on lesson plans and units

  • maintaining library catalog (Destiny) and circulation records

  • distributing, troubleshooting, and maintaining 1:1 devices for students

  • ordering and selecting resources for addition to library collection

  • teaching technology skills to both teachers and students

  • communicating with state and local libraries to coordinate resources

How do BHS students learn about information literacy?

Students at BHS learn information literacy skills through direct instruction in their classes (by both the library media specialist and subject-area teachers), research projects, video tutorials produced and/or distributed by the library media specialist, and by embedding information literacy skills throughout the curriculum (ex: MLA citations, resource evaluation).