Media Services

Advertising Media


Radio is a major medium of focus for us here at Rainstorm Media Group! So we also have a much more comprehensive area of our website devoted to radio. here.

User immersion in radio has proven it effective for advertisers of all types. The on-demand nature of the radio media world ensures your ads start and stop quickly and radio’s low production costs makes changing your commercial or testing new elements incredibly low-risk.

Direct Response Radio

There are benefits behind every media, but few are as versatile, mutable, and targetable as radio. We consider direct response radio to be the most efficient way to test messaging prior to scaling across multiple media outlets. Discover more about DIRECT RESPONSE RADIO, here.

“In radio your message can change often, quickly & inexpensively. No other medium can match this.” ~Jessica Jones, Founding Partner/Executive Director

Local Radio

Local radio gives you a very targeted, efficient way to test radio in general, specific personalities, dayparts, and messaging. With local radio, you have flexibility and the ability to quickly do “A/B Split Tests” to experiment with changes to your campaign. Discover more about LOCAL RADIO, here.

Network Radio

For businesses with a national scope, it is often much more efficient to purchase national network radio. We do this once we are certain of the programming or specific personality that draws the highest quality and quantity leads through local testing. In many cases, national radio can be purchased at a much more efficient cost than you can achieve if you were to purchase every local station carrying this program individually. Discover more about NETWORK RADIO, here.

NOTE: We have a more comprehensive area of our website devoted to radio, here.


Broadcast Television has many pros and cons. With broadcast television one is able to cast a net on a large demographic. There is also an ability to measure audience and metrics quite easily. In addition, placing television advertising can be lower maintenance in retention once an ad is finalized and ready to roll.

On the down side with television, audience share is extremely fragmented. In addition, production and advertising costs have been on the rise. With the right media buy, television offers strong options to target a niche audience and achieve results.

Radio is the efficient way to learn the message that will drive response. In contrast to other agencies, we use TV to refresh response and we do so more efficiently. Here’s why… once you’ve learned the message via radio, you eliminate costly TV production, writing, and editing around an unproven script. Now that you’ve learned your highest performing audience and confirmed the message that works, you can more efficiently create a :30, :60, or long form TV spot and target your niche effectively and efficiently in conjunction with your media campaign. We often find that people don’t call directly from the TV spots, but that the TV drives the radio and print response and refreshes it.

In advertising, cable can be used as a tool to target specific demographics and geographies.

“Once you test and refine your message – TV is useful for taking it to large groups. Presence on TV has also been shown to increase response of other media.” ~Corrine Standen Bibb, Partner/Director of New Business Development



A newspaper is a publication containing daily or weekly news and advertising, usually printed on low-cost paper called newsprint. It may be general or special interest, most often published daily or weekly. The first printed newspaper was published in 1605, and this media has constantly succeeded even in the face of competition from technologies such as radio and television. Newspaper can be used effectively in direct response advertising to reach specific demographics and to create a lasting brand and/or picture to the consumer through its marketplaces.


Periodicals and print publications like trade journals, newsletters and magazines are a great way to reach a highly engaged, targeted, niche audience. Nearly any activity, lifestyle, career or industry has multiple periodicals devoted to it. Periodicals are often an important part of B2B (business-to-business) advertising campaigns for this reason.

Direct Mail

Direct Mail is a direct response form of advertising that is delivered via stand alone, shared or enclosed mail to a home or business. Typical formats include, but are not limited to:

  • postcards & greeting cards
  • flyers
  • catalogs
  • long-form letters
  • free standing inserts
  • bi-folds and tri-folds
  • snap-packs & 3D mail

All types of direct mail lead the consumer to some type of limited-time call to action. This could be a coupon for a dollar amount or percentage off of goods and services, a freebie, or an invitation.

Targeting capabilities are one of the main strengths of direct mail. One can target by demographic, geographic and psychographic components such as age, gender, income, marital status, lifestyle choices, professional titles and zip code or street addresses – allowing you to eliminate most waste on advertising spend.

Another strength is the fact that direct mail is a physical, tangible object. The consumer can save and reference their direct mail piece for as long as they choose to keep it. However, good response from a strong direct mail campaign averages 1-2% from a lead standpoint. If the marketer adds specialized components to their direct mail including personalization elements, PURLs (personalized website addresses), and various types of specialized packaging, you can increase your response to 2-5 times the typical rates.

“While both mediums are strong for customer communications, for lead generation direct mail beats out email by a long shot.” ~Conrad Flynn, Chief Digital Marketing Strategist


Outdoor media is a form of mass media which comprises billboards, signs, placards placed inside and outside of commercial buildings/objects like shops/buses, flying billboards (signs in tow of airplanes), blimps, and skywriting. Many commercial advertisers use this form of mass media when advertising in sports stadiums. An advertiser can reach a larger group of people on a daily basis with outdoor advertising, but only has the opportunity to capture that audience’s attention for a very short window of time and with limited text presence in the creative component. When using any outdoor, we highly recommend a strong vanity number in order to capture the leads.

“Vanity numbers and tracking URLs are paramount for billboards and other quickly referenced outdoor ads.” ~Corrine Standen Bibb, Partner/Director of New Business Development