
There are many types of scholarships available from many different resources. If you have questions or would like help completing an application, please stop by the counseling office.

Deadlines and awards are always ongoing.

This is a scholarship drawing for students who complete a 15-20 minute survey. 

 Deadline:  April.

This is a $1000.00 scholarship for a sstudent that may not have the best GPA or test scores, but has overcome hard things and has the drive and desire to attend college. 

Deadline:  May.

Through this page you can explore more than $14B worthof scholarships, awards, and grants. 

Deadlines and awards are ongoing.

Find scholarships, other financial aid and internships from more than 2,200 programs, totaling nearly $6 billion. Enter as much information as possible to find the most matches.

Deadlines: Apply as early as possible.


Start by entering to win Peterson’s World’s Easiest Scholarship for $2500.00  and then search our scholarship database that houses over $10 billion in private aid! 

The purpose of this detailed listing is to help you plan your scholarship search throughout the year. Please find information below about scholarships for Utah students. Some of the deadlines may be from prior years. Scholarship deadlines are cyclical, so even if a deadline has passed, the website will likely be updated for the 2022-23 cycle. Be sure to reach out to the sponsor or check sponsor websites for the most recent details. 

Looking for Scholarships?

1. Go to the college website. Colleges have tons of scholarships but you have to be willing to do a little searching.

Go the the college webpage

Financil Aid - Scholarships

Apply for as many as you can

2. Many employers give scholarships/grants to employees and their children. You just have to be willing to ask. 

Go to the human resources department 

Apply for as many scholarships/grants as you can

3. Ask your school counselor