
We offer a 24 credit high school diploma at Sunrise High School. Talk to the school counselor if you have questions.

The ACT is given free of charge to Juniors each year. Talk to your School Counselor to get registered and access study materials.

Are you aware of the most in demand, highest paying jobs in the Bear River region and how to obtain training and schooling for them? Talk to your School Counselor to get information on college registration, scholarshiips, and trainig for these jobs.

Career Pathways show students a direct connection between doing well in high school and being able to transition smoothly to postsecondary opportunities or getting a good job when they graduate. Students who focus on a Career Pathway acquire the skills necessary for entry into well-paid careers with high potential for rapid financial growth, increased levels of responsibility, and a high degree of personal satisfaction. 

Click on the link above to explore the Career Pathways and to see the credits required to earn them. If you think you qualify for Pathway or are close, please talk to your counselor.