Michael Fackelman

Supervisor of Visual & Performing Arts | Career Education - Business Department

Ridge Performing Arts Center

The V&PA and Career Education/Business Department of the Bernards Township Public Schools is comprised of a group of talented and dedicated teachers.  Their efforts, both in and out of the classroom, have assisted in the development and enrichment of every child they come in contact with.  Our visual arts department does outstanding work in the development of student artistic skills beginning in kindergarten culminating with our AP visual arts program at Ridge High School.  The Business Education Department is dedicated to providing all students with skills necessary to be successful in their future academic and personal lives.  The Performing Arts Department is exceptional, enhanced by our offerings in Dance and Dramatic Arts.  From elementary school, to middle school and high school, I am proud of the accomplishments our students and staff and look forward to the continued growth of student and teacher alike.

Michael Fackelman