social studies Department News!

Welcome to our Social Studies Department news blog, where you can check out the latest announcements about opportunities for students, staff highlights, or anything related to our work here in the world of social studies!

students honored in social studies at senior awards night

June 21, 2024

On June 11, Ridge High School recognized students for a variety of achievements across and within academic disciplines. Awards that specifically recognized students for achievements in Social Studies were presented by faculty member, Barbara Dwyer. 

Alex Mahdavian and Angelina Yang were nominated by Ridge HS faculty for outstanding achievement in social studies, as defined by the NJ Council for the Social Studies, and were recognized for having received this nomination at the Awards Night. 

Teresa Jones (pictured left) was the recipient of the Ridge HS PTO Social Studies Award for demonstrating enthusiasm, passion, and interest in the area of Social Studies throughout her high school career.

Veterans from local VFW Post 7858 also joined Ridge HS for the evening to present the VFW Voice of Democracy Award to Raunak Singh, Joseph Dachnowicz, and Emily Chao. The VFW also conferred Singh with the Bernie Ehn Memorial Scholarship.

ridge student wins statewide vfw award

January 19, 2024

This winter, Ridge High School's own, Joseph Dachnowicz (Class of '25), was honored at both the local and the state level for his submission to the VFW's annual "Voice of Democracy" essay contest. In his essay, Joseph wrote about the service and sacrifices of his own family members as armed service members, as well as the relationship between that service and the United States' founding ideals enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. Joseph was awarded a cash prize and plaque at the statewide dinner in Toms River on January 13, and has been invited to participate as a finalist at the national level. Pictured with Joseph in the photo are VFW Post 7858 Commander, Phil Heinold, and Quartermaster, Bruce Murray.

Ridge hs students "shining stars" of national civics showcase

October 6, 2023

This fall, the Center for Civic Education announced the results of the 2023 Project Citizen national showcase and among the students recognized for the top honor of "Superior" were Ridge High School students, Ria Abraham, Grace Aulicino, Samantha Babcock, Leena Mathai, Natalie Ramirez Porras, Eva Sela, and Miguel Subervi. In Ms. Suzanne Ward's Honors History of US Government & Economics course, these students chose to research the issue of Student Lack of Sleep, and its effect on high school students in particular. These students recommended policy solutions, such as later school start times and sleep education, to help address the issue. Congratulations to our students for achieving this national distinction!

holocaust survivor joins william annin 7th graders

April 17, 2023

Last month, Holocaust survivor Ms. Tova Friedman joined the entire class of William Annin Middle School's 7th graders for a presentation over Zoom to commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day. Ms. Friedman, who has been a longtime resident of New Jersey, spoke frankly about the horrors she witnessed as a little girl in Nazi-occupied, Poland, including a forced journey to and stay at Auschwitz, the notorious death camp. Ms. Friedman's recounting of her own experiences was followed by a Q & A in which students asked prepared questions for Ms. Friedman. In response to student questions, Ms. Friedman shared how she has worked to process what she had experienced, and the responsibility she believes that she has to make sure other people are aware of the horrors of the Holocaust.

In 2022, Ms. Friedman's memoir, co-written by longtime BBC journalist Malcolm Brabant, titled The Daughter of Auschwitz: My Story of Resilience, Survival and Hope, was published. With the help of her 17-year-old grandson, Ms. Friedman is now also posting regularly to her incredibly popular TikTok account.

The event at William Annin MS was hosted by English Language Arts teacher, Ms. Amberley Roio [pictured above right], as part of what has become an annual tradition at WAMS.

mount prospect celebrates presidential history

March 15, 2023

To the left, Mount Prospect Elementary's second grade teacher, Sheri Jakubowski, stands alongside a life size illustration of Abraham Lincoln, who was the tallest president, at 6'4".  Ms. Jakubowski honors presidential history each year during the month of February, and asks her class and staff members to pose for a photo and "measure up to Abe."  Lincoln is one of the many presidents Ms. Jakubowski honors in her room, who "loves presidential history." After all presidents are discussed during her class's snack time chats, they conclude with a "Presidential Plunge," in which students who volunteer are challenged to name as many presidents as possible. All students who participate receive certificates, and those who can name all presidents receive a prize! Are YOU willing to take the plunge?


February 17, 2023

This school year, students at William Annin Middle School participated in the Veterans of Foreign Wars' annual essay contest, the Patriot's Pen, and wrote in response to the theme, "My Pledge to Veterans."

On January 18, former armed service members who represent Bernardsville's VFW Post 7858, Philip Heinold and Bruce Murray, visited the middle school to recognize student winners of the contest. The students recognized that day were Sydney Arangio (grade 6), Aditya Bajaj (grade 7, pictured left), and Emily Chao (grade 8). Each student received a monetary prize, a certificate, and other gifts from the VFW. Emily Chao's essay was also selected as a winner within the VFW's district and invited to join students from around the state and to potentially win a larger award for statewide recognition.

The award ceremony was enjoyed by students, parents, school administrators, and the veterans in attendance.

ridge key club organizes food drive

November 21, 2022

The Ridge High School Key Club, led by advisor Ms. Sireen Hashem, is wrapping up its annual Food Drive. The club is collecting food items to help those in need. Ms. Hashem has been working hard to provide boxes for every single Social Studies classroom at Ridge to help facilitate collection of food items. 

Staff members have also been urged to reach out to Ms. Hashem should they be aware of any students or families who may be identified as in need at this time so that donated resources could be directed appropriately.

Ms. Hashem will also be rewarding the class which donates the most food items with a free breakfast as we head into the holiday season, as a way of giving thanks to those who are able to spare the most.

More details are available on the flyer to the left.


November 18, 2022

This fall, Mount Prospect Elementary School's third graders had the opportunity to visit the Somerset Hills Historical Society's home at "Brick Academy" in downtown Basking Ridge for the first time since the COVID pandemic began in early 2020 (Ms. Angela DiPetta's class pictured to the left). 

With the help of retired Mount Prospect teacher, Diane Cantono, who now serves as a guide at the Brick Academy, students attending the trip were taken back in time to the 19th century as they sat in original desks in what was once a one room schoolhouse and learned about the everyday experiences of students who attended this prep school for students in grades 1 through 8. While learning about the materials used (quill pens and slate chalkboards), to the subjects taught (reading, writing, arithmetic, and rhetoric), as well as what their schoolmasters did not know (that germs could be spread from sharing the same ladle to drink water), the Mount Prospect third graders were often surprised when contrasting their own experiences with students of long ago.

After being transported to another era, students were then brought to the local history museum which is housed in the same building, and where they were led through a craft-making activity by Becky Creswell, another retired local school teacher, building miniature models of the Brick Academy. 


November 3, 2022

On Tuesday, October 25, Congressman Tom Malinowski returned to Ridge High School in response to an invitation from students in the Ridge Amnesty International Club, led by 11th grader Orion Wang who serves as President, and social studies teacher Ms. Colleen Bodine, who serves as club advisor.

Malinowski responded to various student questions in a Q & A format, covering a range of topics such as steps being taken by the U.S. legislature to address climate change, as well as efforts to address the economic challenges associated with inflation. Malinowski also shared his positions in response to questions such as whether there should be term limits for Supreme Court appointees, how the U.S. should address governments that do not respect the human rights of its people, and whether the U.S. should allow the death penalty in its criminal justice system. 

On multiple occasions, Malinowski expressed his concern about the current vitriol surrounding partisan politics in the U.S. and encouraged Ridge students to consider how they can work to understand and discuss the substance of issues when participating in politics and to make efforts to avoid "winner take all" tactics that often involve personally attacking those who may hold different beliefs or advocate different views or policies


September 10, 2022

This summer, Megan Amendola, Sohana Damani, Alessial Noble, Hannah Pernia, Libby Schmitt, and McLain Ward - all students in Ms. Suzanne Ward's Honors History of US Government course - were recognized by the Center for Civic Education at the Project Citizen National Showcase. According to the Center for Civic Education, "Project Citizen is an interdisciplinary curricular program for middle, secondary, and post-secondary students, youth organizations, and adult groups that promotes competent and responsible participation in local and state government. The program helps participants learn how to monitor and influence public policy. In the process, they develop support for democratic values and principles, tolerance, and feelings of political efficacy." Students in the Honors History of US Government course participate in Project Citizen on an annual basis.

The groups of students named above developed a project on Comprehensive Sex Education which was chosen by a panel at Rutgers University to represent the state of New Jersey at the national Showcase. After being evaluated by state legislators and educators, it was awarded the highest level of achievement that the program offers. The Center for Civics Education opts not to rank the projects in terms of first place, second place, and so on, but rather puts the best ones into tiers.  These Ridge HS students' project has earned the distinction of being in the top tier of "Superior" and we are proud of our students for their well-deserved accomplishment. 

ridge alum & staff recognized at cornell ceremony

August 25, 2022

This past May, Ridge graduate Alexandra Saylan (class of ‘18) was chosen by Cornell University to be honored as a Merrill Presidential Scholar on the basis of scholastic achievement, strong leadership ability, and demonstrated potential for contributing to society. During her time at Cornell, Ms. Saylan majored in Comparative Literature and Spanish and held leadership positions in the Cornell Latinx Association of Pre-Law and in Alpha Phi Omega, a national service organization. In 2021, Ms. Saylan was awarded a Comparative Literature Travel Grant to study Brazilian Portuguese. Post-graduation, Alexandra will be completing a year of service at Greater Boston Legal Services in their Consumer Rights Unit, while she applies to law school.

Recipients of the Merrill Presidential Scholar award were able to invite both a secondary teacher and a professor who had an impact on their development and pursuits, and Ms. Saylan chose Ms. Sireen Hashem of Ridge High School to be an honored guest at the award ceremony. The following is what Alexandra had to say about Ms. Hashem:

Ms. Sireen Hashem taught me in her History of the Middle East course in my final year of high school. Born in Palestine and educated in Jordan, Ms. Hashem came to the US in the early 1990s. She is an engaging teacher who motivates her students to think and act as global citizens. At the end of the year, Ms. Hashem took our class on a field trip to Paterson, NJ to visit Middle Eastern communities, centers, restaurants and shops. Ms. Hashem helped me instill confidence in myself before I came to Cornell.

Events and ceremonies related to the Merrill Presidential Scholar program took place over three days this past May. Pictured left are Ms. Sireen Hashem, Ms. Alexandra Saylan, and Professor Kathleen Long, Department of Romance Studies at Cornell University.

Cornell University also went on to recognize Ms. Hashem for her “tremendous contribution in helping to educate” Ms. Saylan as an award recipient, and for the “influential role” Ms. Hashem plays “in the lives of her students,” and dedicated $4000 in Ms. Hashem’s name to the Special Teachers Are Recognized (STAR) Scholarships program. Funds for the program are awarded to incoming Cornell University students with financial need from or near the area in which the educator works, in this case, benign in or near Ridge High School.

The Ridge Social Studies Department wishes our shining alumna, Alexandra Saylan, the best of success in her next chapter, and aims to continue inspiring our students to be the kind of global citizens that she is becoming.

ridge recognizes seniors in award ceremony

June 17, 2022

On May 31, Ridge High School recognized outstanding Seniors in their annual Awards Night, hosted at the Ridge PAC. Among awards presented were those recognizing students for excellent work in their social studies courses. 

Social Studies teacher and member of our Ridge HS faculty, Ms. Barbara Dwyer, presented the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Excellence in History Award to Christopher Kosakowski (pictured left), and the Ridge High School PTO Award to Jasmine Gill.

Hank Bitten, Executive Director of the New Jersey Council for the Social Studies (NJCSS), also drove down to Ridge from Bergen County to join us for the evening and present the NJCSS Student Recognition Award to Shree Manivel. The Ridge Social Studies Department also nominated Nikayla Karda-Marok for the award. Both students are now listed in the NJCSS Hall of Fame of Recognized Students.

congressman malinowski visits ridge hs

June 10, 2022

At the invitation of Ridge High School's Amnesty International Club, in collaboration with Ridge High School's Democratic Club, Congressman Tom Malinowski joined students at the Ridge High School PAC for a Q & A on May 25. Ms. Colleen Bodine, advisor for Amnesty International Club, stated that student leaders of the respective clubs, including Orion Wang of Amnesty International, led the efforts for organizing the event.

With the event taking place just one day after the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, Malinowski started the session by discussing his deep concern related to the common occurrence of mass shootings in the United States. He also went on to describe his work on the Protecting Americans from Dangerous Algorithms Act, which he recently reintroduced to the U.S. House of Representatives with Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (D-CA), and which he states is intended to address the proliferation of extremist views online which often promote violence or disdain for civil rights.

The Congressman then spent the remainder of the session fielding student questions about these and other topics. 

Prior to serving as representative for congressional district NJ-8, Malinowski also served as Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor for the Obama administration.

veterans appreciation day @ william annin middle school

May 25, 2022

Earlier this month, on May 13, 6th grade lead teachers, among them Mr. Dan Georgetti and Ms. Melanie Dupuis of the Social Studies Department, organized their annual Veterans Appreciation Day for all 6th graders at William Annin MS to participate in. 

The day included a variety of events for students, including a Memorial Day lesson, guest speaker presentations by veterans from local VFW post 7858 (Commander Fred Buehler in left photo), students sharing breakfast with veterans and writing them thank you cards, as well as a special presentation by Mr. Bill Michaelis of real and historical military uniforms worn by U.S. service members dating back well over the last century. During guest speaker presentations, students asked thoughtful questions of the veterans who shared with them some of the hardships they endured as they served and sacrificed for the United States. 

Teachers and veterans alike reflected that this was a positive experience for them and the students they shared the day with, and aim to continue this tradition at William Annin in the future.

Looking ahead to the weekend, our Social Studies Department would like to wish everyone a meaningful and reflective Memorial Day.

March 23, 2022

The Ridge HS Key Club is asking for your help to collect items and donate to a food drive nearby that is donating to families in Ukraine that are affected by the conflict that is taking place in their home country. Key club. The Key Club is depending on the generosity and support of those who can contribute. Items can be dropped off in Room 534 at Ridge HS. All help is appreciated. A brochure with more details is provided below. 

Vfw post 7858 honors ridge & wams students

February 22, 2022

This month, students at Ridge HS and William Annin MS were honored with a visit by Veterans of Foreign Wars, Mr. Fred Buehler (9th Infantry Division, served in Vietnam), Mr. Phil Heinhold (1st Cavalry, Air Mobile, served in Vietnam, Purple Heart and Bronze Star recipient), and Mr. Robert Walsh (2nd Marine Division, served in the Pacific, where he fought in Okinawa, in World War II). 

Students at William Annin Middle School participated in the Patriot's Pen essay contest, and responded to the question, "How Can I Be a Good American?" The student winners were Zara Prokopovich (grade 8), Emily Chao (Grade 7, who also placed second in the VFW district), and Jane Hlavaty (Grade 6). Meanwhile, students at Ridge High School participated in the Voice of Democracy essay contest, and wrote in connection to the theme, "America: Where Do We Go From Here?" Winners from Ridge were Katherine Dobbie (grade 12, pictured left), AJ Caesar (grade 11), and Raunak Singh (grade 10, also placed second at the district level for the award). 

All students who participated won gifts from the VFW, including monetary awards. Emily Chao and Raunak Singh were each honored with additional monetary prizes for their exceptional essays. 

Students at Ridge High School are encouraged to check out Naviance for details about the Bernie Ehn Memorial Scholarship, which is awarded by the VFW post to a 12th grader each year during the Ridge Senior Awards ceremony in May.

Ridge model un club attends conference at upenn

February 11, 2022

After a two year hiatus, the Ridge Model UN Club attended the Ivy League Model United Nations Conference hosted by the University of Pennsylvania.  Twenty-two Ridge High students boarded a bus on February 27th for a 4 day conference in Philadelphia where they simulated the work of UN delegates.  The conference hosted more than a 1000 students from over 50 different schools, and while about half the size of previous conferences, the enthusiasm and energy level the students showed by being together physically more than compensated for the reduced attendance.

To prepare for the conference, students met after school to sharpen their writing, public speaking and negotiating skills.  The club officers, led by Presidents Nethra Raju and Arjun Agarwal, led workshops for students as they learned skills to help them when they arrived in Philadelphia.

At the conference, Ridge students acted as delegates from various nations ranging from Ireland and Turkey, to Senegal and Qatar.  The "delegates" sat on simulated UN committees, including the Security Council, the World Trade Organization, the World Economic Committee, UNICEF and the Legal committee of the UN.  The delegates voted on position papers student's had prepared in advance focused on some of the most pressing problems facing our planet today.  From there they debated amendments, additional resolutions and worked to gain the trust and support of other country's delegations to promote their countries agenda.  Along the way, they worked with delegates from other schools on common goals for the countries they represented.

It was not all work as students were able to take a break to go ice skating, visit U Penn for a guided tour, explore some of the near by food options, and congregate with new friends they had met at a concert and carnival organized by the conference.  Despite a snow storm, the attendees thoroughly enjoyed being in the heart of Philadelphia negotiating, collaborating and appreciating the workings of the United Nations.  They are already looking forward to the next conference they can attend.

Mr. Mike McTernan

January 11, 2022

The staff of the Ridge student newspaper, The Devil's Advocate, has been hard at work, and has a new series of articles out. Check out some great writing and artistry. Highlights include an interview with Mr. McTernan which is posted below.

Students are thrilled when readers leave comments on their articles. This year, the platform also enables you to give a thumbs up to articles as well. Mr. Norris asks that you smash that like button!

January 10, 2022

GirlUP is a nonprofit organization created by The United Nations in order to promote equality for women. Today, the GirlUP club needs your help in their PAD/Tampon drive. They are collecting these items because currently, women in need are not permitted to buy feminine products using food stamps. All products will be donated to Star Fish food pantry in Plainfield NJ. The club is collecting any brand of pads/ tampons. See the flyer attached below. Feel free to email Ms. Hashem at if you have any questions. You can drop items in room 534 or the main office.