Grades 3 & 4

Contact information:

Mrs. Allen


  1. Read daily per grade level guidlines:
    3rd Grade Distance Learning Link

4th Grade Distance Learning Link

  1. Go to link for your child's grade level. Complete Daily Assignment from your child's general education teacher.

  2. Choose 1 activity from the social skills board below.

  3. Choose 1 movement break from the board below.

  4. Complete Google Form **please complete daily to earn your points**

**Your child will be able to earn up to 35 points each day for completing all daily assignments and filling out the google form each day. If your child does not complete the daily assignments AND fill out the daily form they will NOT receive points for that day. As everyone has different availability at home we will only be having these points count as an additional incentive to the points your child already has. There is NO penalty for not completing the work/form; this is just an additional incentive to motivate your child while at home. There will be a variety of special school store items/experiences available upon our return based on the amount of points earned during this period of distance learning.

Social Skills Activities
Movement break activities
Mindfulness Online Resources
Social Skills/Mindfulnes

Helpful links:

Raz Kids