To provide engaging and relevant education that inspires excellence in the teaching profession while increasing the opportunity for teacher and student success built on trust and collaboration.

  • A cooperative community of all levels of staff, focused on facilitating growth and promoting collaboration

  • An inclusive classroom where all teachers and students have an opportunity to grow

To guide and support educators in transforming their behaviors, beliefs and being in order to gain the confidence they need to uncover their full potential as the amazing educators they are.

We are teachers working with teachers in a collegial environment built upon trust and collaboration. We strive to develop a community that creates high-quality, engaging instruction for students in order to create an upcoming generation that will positively influence our world.

"Instructional coaches challenge the status quo and push teachers, leaders, and themselves to improve student achievement. By wearing many hats every day, instructional coaches provide opportunities for the school to explore enhancements and innovations to current practice through job embedded professional development. "

Partner in Learning

  • Research and learn new educational strategies to share with colleagues

  • Stay up to date with new trends in education

Curriculum and Instructional Specialist

  • Create, develop and adapt lessons to engage students

  • Provide structure for differentiating instruction

  • Research best practices to supplement and enhance the curriculum

Resource Provider

  • Work with teachers to find and use resources that meet their instructional needs

  • Organize resources for efficient teacher use

  • Select resources to help teachers meet the needs of all learners

Classroom Supporter

  • Co-teach lessons

  • Model instruction

  • Non-evaluative & informal observation

  • Provide constructive feedback

  • Collaborate in goal setting

Learning Facilitator

  • Provide professional development learning experiences based on needs of the staff and students

  • Collaborate with administration to plan professional development based on district initiatives

  • Plan and/or lead professional development learning experiences


  • Prioritize the emotional health and well-being of staff

  • Provide a safe space for teachers to express successes, challenges and needs

  • Be a partner in finding solutions to current needs

Data Coach

  • Collaborate with teachers to analyze formative and summative student achievement data

  • Assist teachers with the use of student evidence to improve student learning


Tech Integration Specialist

  • Provide personalized coaching for varying technology needs

  • Offer tutorials and training on technology tools and online resources

  • Work with teachers towards meaningfully and purposely integrating technology into the curriculum

School Leader and Catalyst for Change

  • Advocate

    • For resources teachers may need in their classrooms.

    • For access to tools, technology or other things that are important to teachers in their curriculum.

    • For teacher learning, by looking out for relevant PD that will help teachers reach their professional goals.

    • For teachers to offer specific learning experiences based on their own students' needs.

    • For students to experience learning in a positive and engaging atmosphere.

    • For equity in that all students receive whatever they need every day to develop to their full academic and social potential and thrive

  • Find ways to build community and moral

  • Engage in difficult conversations to promote changes

  • Acknowledge the silver linings in an ever changing environment

New Teacher Partner

  • Engage in opportunities to work with new teacher for the first two years in district

(adapted from Jim Knight)

Equality: Instructional coaches and teachers are equal partners in the process who listen to and learn from one another.

Choice: Teachers should have choice regarding what and how they learn. The coach’s goal is to meet teachers where they currently are in their practice and offer choices for learning.

Voice: Professional learning should empower and respect the voices of teachers. Instructional coaches view coaching as a process that helps teachers find their voice, not a process for making teachers think a certain way.

Dialogue: Professional learning should enable authentic dialogue. Instructional coaches avoid manipulation, engage participants in conversation about content, and think and learn with collaborating teachers.

Reflection: Reflection is an integral part of professional learning. Instructional coaches encourage collaborating teachers to consider ideas before adopting them and recognize that reflective thinkers, by definition, must be free to adopt or reject ideas. Instructional coaches support teachers and provide opportunities for reflection of their instruction, professional growth, collaboration and implementation of effective practices that will foster student growth and positive change in school culture.

Reciprocity: Instructional coaches should expect to get as much as they give. Learning about each teacher’s strengths and weaknesses while implementing new teaching practices will enhance a coach’s ability to collaborate with all other teachers and the coach’s skill in using the new teaching practice.

A message from Sean, Siet, Assistant Superintendent:

We are so pleased to be able to offer this extremely valuable resource to all K-12 staff! The instructional coaching program is designed for all staff as a resources to assist with new strategies or to hone/refine existing educational techniques or practice. It is imperative that there is complete trust between the coach and staff member and thus the relationship between the staff member and coach is confidential, meaning none of the work that takes place will be shared with other staff and/or administrators. Bernards Township is fully supportive of all staff being able to engage in meaningful conversations regarding instructional practice. The instructional coaching program is one very important avenue to help foster these important conversations.