Career Clusters & Resources

An important part of your high school journey is taking an active role in identifying careers of interest, understanding personal aptitude, and participating in career experiences.  While students today have many strengths including digital fluency and technology adaptability, they are seen as less prepared to enter the world of work  than in past years. 1   Career experiences and counseling workshops will help boost your readiness and skills for the future. Ms. Hemming, the Work-Based Learning Coordinator will facilitate a variety of these activities that happen both inside school and outside the school.  To find out more about career exploration opportunities students should daily check: Schoology announcements, daily PowerSchool announcements, student email, morning announcements, and follow bhs_workbased_learning on Instagram as well as bhs_counseling on Instagram. 

 Here are some additional suggestions: 


Resources by Career Cluster 

Arts, Digital, A/V Technology & Communications