Humans of B.I.S.

Migrant Stories

A Grade 5 Learning Enrichment Project


Five courageous Grade 5 students interviewed six migrants and worked with one learning enrichment teacher.

Here you see the results of our #storiesnotstereotypes writing project. Learn about these migrants, their personal journeys and how they are contributing to society.

Learn more about our process in the About the Project page.

Paolo Alvarez - article by Karl V.

Communication is a valuable skill that can have even more importance during a migration. During Mr. Alvarez's migration he learned how valuable this skill can really be.

Dr. Bertille Kaneza-Nowak - article by Alexander B.

Dr. Bertille dreamt of being a doctor from a young age. Although the journey to become a licensed doctor in Germany was not easy, she followed her dreams and stayed determined.

Chineme Chi’Nnaya Ugbor - article by Karizma B.

Chi is a powerful, strong person. She is the co-founder of Girls Gearing Up and Linden Global.

Nunana Nyomi - Article by Louisa .I.

Nunana Nyomi is a strong and kind person, he works at the Council of International Schools (CIS). Adjusting and relating to new places is very important. Nunana once stated "My whole life was one big migration."

Martin M.

by Dominic

Brexit has impacted a lot of families, if you want to know more read about the M. family.

Justyna M.


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